The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Slade Fisher, Twin Falls (ID), 2025 Positional Profile: 2B/3B Body: 5-11, 150-pounds. Hit: RHH. Wide based, square set up. Balanced in his set up and throughout swing. Starts and stays square. On line stride. Simple hand push back load. Level through the zone. Found more barrels as the round progressed. Arm: RH. INF-78 mph. Compact arm cycle. High 3/4. Defense: Hops in to his set up. Athletic in his action with flashes of improved footwork. Progress in lateral range.
Positional Profile: 2B/3B Body: 5-11, 155-pounds. Hits: RHH. Wide based, squared set up. Quiet, toe tap load. Lands squared. Bat enters the zone. Level bat path throughout. Lift in his extension. Some rotational features. Power to come as he fills out hsi frame Power: 84 max exit velocity, averaged 75.6 MPH. 253' max distance. Arm: RH. INF-69 mph. Defense: Hops into his set up. Feet work to get him on around the ball and online to his target. Some tendency to field the ball deep. Developing action with the lateral play. Run: 7.68 runner in the 60.
Draft Reports
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Grip strength is a measure of a players bat control and ability to transfer power and speed during impact, measured in pounds of force generated; collected with elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Grip Strgth (RH)
Grip strength is a measure of a players bat control and ability to transfer power and speed during impact, measured in pounds of force generated; collected with elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Positional Profile: 2B/3B
Body: 5-11, 150-pounds.
Hit: RHH. Wide based, square set up. Balanced in his set up and throughout swing. Starts and stays square. On line stride. Simple hand push back load. Level through the zone. Found more barrels as the round progressed.
Arm: RH. INF-78 mph. Compact arm cycle. High 3/4.
Defense: Hops in to his set up. Athletic in his action with flashes of improved footwork. Progress in lateral range.
Body: 5-11, 155-pounds.
Hits: RHH. Wide based, squared set up. Quiet, toe tap load. Lands squared. Bat enters the zone. Level bat path throughout. Lift in his extension. Some rotational features. Power to come as he fills out hsi frame
Power: 84 max exit velocity, averaged 75.6 MPH. 253' max distance.
Arm: RH. INF-69 mph.
Defense: Hops into his set up. Feet work to get him on around the ball and online to his target. Some tendency to field the ball deep. Developing action with the lateral play.
Run: 7.68 runner in the 60.