The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Home to First
The athlete's fastest home-to-first time in the given event year. Measured from bat-on-ball to foot-on-bag, in seconds (s).
Pop Time
The athlete's fastest pop time in the given event year. Measured from glove to glove, in seconds (s).
2.14 - 2.34
Catcher Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from the catcher position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
5-foot-11, 180-pound proportional frame. During batting practice, Stiff had a max exit velocity of 86 mph. Started in a balanced stance with a controlled load, then used a short stride. Has flat swing plane and average bat speed. Found a couple of barrels during his round. Line drive approach. Behind the plate, his best recorded velocity during throw downs was clocked at 73 mph; has average footwork, and a fluid exchange. Recorded pop times of 2.14-2.21. Had quiet setup. Occasional accuracy to the bag, used an-over-the-top slot and a short arm action. Recorded a 60 time of 7.62 at the event.
5-foot-8, 170-pound frame. At the plate, the right-handed hitter recorded an exit velocity of 79 mph. Began in an athletic open stance, had a smooth load and used a short stride before his swing. Exhibits a flat swing plane and high finish. Barreled up multiple balls throughout his round. Base hit approach. His strong arm produced efficient throws to second at velocities up to 76 mph; had rhythmic footwork and soft hands. Behind the plate, had a pop time of 2.21-2.34. Showed an-over-the-top slot with short arm action. Pop times will improve with quicker release and footwork.
8/20/17 - 60 Time: 9.57, Position Velocity: IF-59, Exit Velocity: 63 Max FB: 61, FB: 59-60, CB: 49-54, CH: 51-56,
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5-foot-11, 180-pound proportional frame. During batting practice, Stiff had a max exit velocity of 86 mph. Started in a balanced stance with a controlled load, then used a short stride. Has flat swing plane and average bat speed. Found a couple of barrels during his round. Line drive approach. Behind the plate, his best recorded velocity during throw downs was clocked at 73 mph; has average footwork, and a fluid exchange. Recorded pop times of 2.14-2.21. Had quiet setup. Occasional accuracy to the bag, used an-over-the-top slot and a short arm action. Recorded a 60 time of 7.62 at the event.
5-foot-8, 170-pound frame. At the plate, the
right-handed hitter recorded an exit velocity of 79 mph. Began in an athletic open stance,
had a smooth load and used a short stride before his swing. Exhibits a flat swing plane and
high finish. Barreled up multiple balls throughout his round. Base hit approach. His strong
arm produced efficient throws to second at velocities up to 76 mph; had rhythmic footwork
and soft hands. Behind the plate, had a pop time of 2.21-2.34. Showed an-over-the-top slot
with short arm action. Pop times will improve with quicker release and footwork.
8/20/17 - 60 Time: 9.57, Position Velocity: IF-59, Exit Velocity: 63
Max FB: 61, FB: 59-60, CB: 49-54, CH: 51-56,