The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Home to First
The athlete's fastest home-to-first time in the given event year. Measured from bat-on-ball to foot-on-bag, in seconds (s).
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
A fastball with hop has a flat approach angle and visually jumps through the zone. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher swing and miss average. Hop+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with sink has low backspin and drops through the strike zone. When thrown down in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher ground ball percentage and lower launch angle. Sink+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with rise has a high percentage of backspin. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher fly ball percentage. Rise+ of 100 is MLB average
A hammer breaking ball drops vertically with velocity through the zone, or 12-to-6 movement. Hammer+ of 100 is MLB average.
A sweeping breaking ball moves horizontally with velocity through the zone. Sweep+ of 100 is MLB average.
Body: 6’3’’, 195 pounds. Long and athletic actions with a high-waisted frame. Hit: RHH. Begins from a balanced, open, and upright stance with the hands above the shoulder. Utilized a leg lift stride and low-triggered launch to initiate the bat head through a slightly vertical path into the hitting zone. Strong top hand with some extra intent in the upper half of the swing; recorded a peak hand speed of 24 mph (Blast Motion) with developing bat to ball skills (55% on-plane efficiency). Showed mostly to the pull-side during batting practice with a preference to hit the pitch out over the plate to the LCF part of the field. Power: 90 mph exit velocity during BP per TrackMan. Developing doubles power, rolled the wrist after impact at times. Arm: RH. OF - 90 mph. Live, whippy action with no restrictions, carry towards the target. Plus tool. Defense: Approached with a quick first step and attacking footwork, stayed somewhat upright in the posture, but held down chest angles at the fielding window. Impressed with quick transfers (soft glove hand) and a fluid arm stroke, which should offer him the ability to play either corner outfield spot with ease. Run: 7.37 60-yard time.
Delivery: Started off the middle of the mound with a side rocker just outside the rubber; high leg lift with hip coil at a tall position before driving down the mound utilizing a smooth, connected look. Stayed relatively upright in the posture throughout the delivery with an impressive front leg block on the land, efficiently transferred energy at the release point over the front side. Arm Action: RH. Whippy, high ¾ slot with a full arm circle, no restrictions proving to create jump out of the hand. FB: T90 mph, 88-90 mph. Average spin rate of 2278 rpm. Almost 7 feet of average extension with increased carry into the zone (60% zone rate). CB: 70-72 mph. Average spin rate of 2334 rpm. Consistent two-plane shape thrown for swing and miss, more consistent bite than depth, but both present. Command on either side of the plate (100% zone rate). CH: 78-79 mph. Killed spin slightly allowing for some arm side fade; another offering that he showed great command over. Repeatable mechanics with similar arm speed to the FB.
Maryland Top Prospect Games West
Body: 6’2’’, 173 pounds. Tall, athletic body type. Hit: RHH. Hits from a balanced, upright, slightly open stance at the plate. Quiet approach with a smooth back load and good hand separation. Hands drop slightly before contact and get through the zone quickly with fast bat speed. Stays behind the ball well with some lower half involvement. An uphill swing path with a strong one handed finish and good extension through the zone and past contact. Worked mostly pull side during BP. Power: 87 mph exit velocity per TrackMan during BP. Pull side pop present Arm: RH. OF - 83 mph. Throws with longer arm action from a high three-quarter slot. Defense: Plays through the ball well with athletic feet and a slight crow hop. Consistent clean exchanges with throws that showed some carry. Run: 7.69 60-yard time.
Delivery: Side-step wind-up and high leg kick to a tall balance position. Smooth kick-out stride down the mound with strong lower half drive. Clean hand separation and level shoulders. Gets down the mound hard with extension over the front side. Complete follow through and slightly upright finish falling just off to the first base side. Arm Action: RH. Throws with long arm action from a high three-quarter slot with light effort. Creates quick arm speed through release. FB: T84 mph, 79-83 mph. Showed some arm-side run at times with an average spin rate of CB: 67-69 mph. Late, sharp 11/5 shape with an average spin rate of CH: 71-72 mph. Late fade present.
Draft Reports
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Maryland Preseason All-State Session II
Body: 6’3’’, 195 pounds. Long and athletic actions with a high-waisted frame.
Hit: RHH. Begins from a balanced, open, and upright stance with the hands above the shoulder. Utilized a leg lift stride and low-triggered launch to initiate the bat head through a slightly vertical path into the hitting zone. Strong top hand with some extra intent in the upper half of the swing; recorded a peak hand speed of 24 mph (Blast Motion) with developing bat to ball skills (55% on-plane efficiency). Showed mostly to the pull-side during batting practice with a preference to hit the pitch out over the plate to the LCF part of the field.
Power: 90 mph exit velocity during BP per TrackMan. Developing doubles power, rolled the wrist after impact at times.
Arm: RH. OF - 90 mph. Live, whippy action with no restrictions, carry towards the target. Plus tool.
Defense: Approached with a quick first step and attacking footwork, stayed somewhat upright in the posture, but held down chest angles at the fielding window. Impressed with quick transfers (soft glove hand) and a fluid arm stroke, which should offer him the ability to play either corner outfield spot with ease.
Run: 7.37 60-yard time.
Delivery: Started off the middle of the mound with a side rocker just outside the rubber; high leg lift with hip coil at a tall position before driving down the mound utilizing a smooth, connected look. Stayed relatively upright in the posture throughout the delivery with an impressive front leg block on the land, efficiently transferred energy at the release point over the front side.
Arm Action: RH. Whippy, high ¾ slot with a full arm circle, no restrictions proving to create jump out of the hand.
FB: T90 mph, 88-90 mph. Average spin rate of 2278 rpm. Almost 7 feet of average extension with increased carry into the zone (60% zone rate).
CB: 70-72 mph. Average spin rate of 2334 rpm. Consistent two-plane shape thrown for swing and miss, more consistent bite than depth, but both present. Command on either side of the plate (100% zone rate).
CH: 78-79 mph. Killed spin slightly allowing for some arm side fade; another offering that he showed great command over. Repeatable mechanics with similar arm speed to the FB.
Maryland Top Prospect Games West
Body: 6’2’’, 173 pounds. Tall, athletic body type.
Hit: RHH. Hits from a balanced, upright, slightly open stance at the plate. Quiet approach with a smooth back load and good hand separation. Hands drop slightly before contact and get through the zone quickly with fast bat speed. Stays behind the ball well with some lower half involvement. An uphill swing path with a strong one handed finish and good extension through the zone and past contact. Worked mostly pull side during BP.
Power: 87 mph exit velocity per TrackMan during BP. Pull side pop present
Arm: RH. OF - 83 mph. Throws with longer arm action from a high three-quarter slot.
Defense: Plays through the ball well with athletic feet and a slight crow hop. Consistent clean exchanges with throws that showed some carry.
Run: 7.69 60-yard time.
Delivery: Side-step wind-up and high leg kick to a tall balance position. Smooth kick-out stride down the mound with strong lower half drive. Clean hand separation and level shoulders. Gets down the mound hard with extension over the front side. Complete follow through and slightly upright finish falling just off to the first base side.
Arm Action: RH. Throws with long arm action from a high three-quarter slot with light effort. Creates quick arm speed through release.
FB: T84 mph, 79-83 mph. Showed some arm-side run at times with an average spin rate of
CB: 67-69 mph. Late, sharp 11/5 shape with an average spin rate of
CH: 71-72 mph. Late fade present.