3.30.17 - Britt has a solid 5-foot-9, 160-pound frame. Hits from an athletic set up with hand rock in stance. Short, smooth load to hitting position. Shows average bat speed at plate and gets some extension. Smooth actions in the field with some flare. Loose arm with carry on throws across the diamond. Solid foundation in the young athlete and will be one to watch as he continues to develop.
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3.30.17 - Britt has a solid 5-foot-9, 160-pound frame. Hits from an athletic set up with hand rock in stance. Short, smooth load to hitting position. Shows average bat speed at plate and gets some extension. Smooth actions in the field with some flare. Loose arm with carry on throws across the diamond. Solid foundation in the young athlete and will be one to watch as he continues to develop.