The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
The highest Edge Score within the given year. Edge Score is a comprehensive score that takes the core-six visual skills into account, providing an assessment of an athlete’s overall visual ability.
Positional Profile: RHP/3B Body: 6-2, 185-pounds. Athletic build with some projection. Delivery: Side-step windup, into agressive high leg kick, tall and fall delivery. Arm Action: RH. Stab back, 3/4 slot. FB: T76, 73-76 mph. Cutting action. T1988, 1946 average rpm. CB: 61-66 mph. Gradual 12/6 action, some feel. T2021, 1974 average rpm. CH: 68-72 mph. Downer action, slows arm down slightly. T1966, 1789 average rpm.
Positional Profile: RHP/3B Body: 6-2, 185-pounds. Athletic build with some projection. Hits: RHH. Wider base open set up. Sits into back side, quick toe tap back, stays slightly back center at landing, turns hard on back side, path is direct, strong hands, ball jumps when barrelled. Power: 83 max exit velocity, averaged 74.1 MPH. 270' max distance. Arm: RH. INF-71 mph.Medium arc, low 3/4 slot with carry. Defense: Two-hand gather out front, shuffle step towards target. Run: 7.92 runner in the 60. Vizual Edge: 69.82 Edge Score
Draft Reports
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Body: 6-2, 185-pounds. Athletic build with some projection.
Delivery: Side-step windup, into agressive high leg kick, tall and fall delivery.
Arm Action: RH. Stab back, 3/4 slot.
FB: T76, 73-76 mph. Cutting action. T1988, 1946 average rpm.
CB: 61-66 mph. Gradual 12/6 action, some feel. T2021, 1974 average rpm.
CH: 68-72 mph. Downer action, slows arm down slightly. T1966, 1789 average rpm.
Body: 6-2, 185-pounds. Athletic build with some projection.
Hits: RHH. Wider base open set up. Sits into back side, quick toe tap back, stays slightly back center at landing, turns hard on back side, path is direct, strong hands, ball jumps when barrelled.
Power: 83 max exit velocity, averaged 74.1 MPH. 270' max distance.
Arm: RH. INF-71 mph.Medium arc, low 3/4 slot with carry.
Defense: Two-hand gather out front, shuffle step towards target.
Run: 7.92 runner in the 60.
Vizual Edge: 69.82 Edge Score