VA/DC Commitment Recap: July 9-July 15
July 15, 2016
Follow @PBRVirginiaDC
By John Nolan
Assistant Director of Scouting/Content Management
Every Friday we recap all commitments that were made throughout our coverage area. If we missed you or someone that you know is not on the Commitment List, let us know by filling out our Commitment Form.
Luke Belanger, SS, West Potomac, 2017
Belanger committed to Radford. Hits from a tall, balanced stance that stands open. Good rhythm. Slight load back with a toe to heel stride that gets back to square at times. Bat exit velocity of 84 MPH. Good approach to the round with a level swing path that stays through the ball. Line drive hitter with gap power. Throws from a loose, high three-quarters arm slot with accuracy. Arm has some life. Positional velocity of 85 MPH. Soft hands with clean, fluid footwork. Plays through the ball. 4.50 home to first.
Alex Kobersteen, RHP, Courtland, 2018
Kobersteen committed to George Washington. He has a lanky frame and a drop and drive delivery, throwing from a three-quarters arm slot with a short, loose, quick arm that generates easy velocity. His shoulders are closed and uphill as he strides to a slightly closed landing with an athletic finish. In April, Kobersteen’s fastball sat 82-84 in the stretch, 84-86 in the windup, touching 87 with hard late run. He only threw his changeup in warmups, it had decent armspeed and sink. His slider was a swing and miss pitch with tight 11/5 action that sometimes was more 10/4, running 70-76.
Owen Lamon, RHP, Oakton, 2017
Lamon committed to Georgetown. He is an athletic righty with a good frame. He has a drop and drive delivery and throws from a high three-quarters arm slot with a short, loose arm action that is quick, generating velocity with some effort. His shoulders are uphill and closed as he strides out to a slightly closed landing before falling off as he finishes. In March, Lamon’s fastball touched 87 and sat 84-86 with good plane and heavy late run. His curveball had late, sharp 11/5 action and sat 71.
Congrats guys!!!