1-27-19 Uncommitted. 5-foot-6, 135 pounds. Bats and throws right. At the plate has a simple quiet approach. Hands start low, balanced stance, soft stride. Lets his hands to the work. Level swing through zone with bottom hand finish, line drive hitter. Produced a 77 mph exit velo off a tee. On defense is smooth and confident. Quick lateral movement to both sides. Quick feet. Fields ball out in front, quick release from 3/4 arm slot at 70 mph across the diamond. Ran a 4.52 simulated dry swing home to first.
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Uncommitted. 5-foot-6, 135 pounds. Bats and throws right. At the plate has a simple quiet approach. Hands start low, balanced stance, soft stride. Lets his hands to the work. Level swing through zone with bottom hand finish, line drive hitter. Produced a 77 mph exit velo off a tee. On defense is smooth and confident. Quick lateral movement to both sides. Quick feet. Fields ball out in front, quick release from 3/4 arm slot at 70 mph across the diamond. Ran a 4.52 simulated dry swing home to first.