The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Body: 6’2’’, 175 pounds. Athletic, projectable frame with strength held throughout. Hit: RHH. Wide, balance stance with a slight bend in the knees; lift and replace stride to a low, wide position with good usage of the legs while initiating the bat head through a methodical, flat path into the zone. Repeated well with some leverage at impact, especially when hitting the ball to pull. Ability to lift the baseball on the inner half, boding well for power prospects down the line. 39% hard hit rate (batted balls over 90 mph) while accruing a standout 29 G’s of rotational acceleration pointing towards a big time power ceiling down the road. A bat to follow closely in the class as he matures. Power: 94 mph exit velocity during BP per TrackMan. Easy doubles power with home run juice to the pull side (317 foot peak batted ball, twitchy hands). Arm: RH. INF - 84 mph. Lengthy, high ¾ slot with good extension, accurate. Defense: Approached with confidence working downhill with positive angles towards the target; smooth funnel inward at the chest with the ability to stick the right foot in the ground and let it rip. Chopped the feet to arrive on time when needed, impressive timing at the fielding window. Made the play on the run look simple from a rhythmic, lower slot. Run: 7.34 60-yard time.
Delivery: Started off the left side of the rubber with moderate pace to the delivery; slight pause after a short side rocker, followed by a medium leg lift with slight hip coil across his body. Hid the ball well with loose, rhythmic mechanics; filled the zone up with repeatability and an athletic delivery. Arm Action: RH. Loose high ¾ slot with quickness in the arm. FB: T86 mph, 84-86 mph. Average spin rate of 2205 rpm. Mostly straight with some carry to it, good extension (6.34 feet on average) while pounding the zone at a 55% clip. CB: 65-67 mph. Average spin rate of 2202 rpm. Consistent two plane, slurvey shape to it; ability to throw for strikes in any count. Could manipulate shape based on release. CH: 72-73 mph. Killed spin with slight arm side fade to it. SL: 72-73 mph. Average spin rate of 2160 rpm. Short sweep across the plate, got around it at times.
Draft Reports
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Maryland Preseason All-State Session II
Body: 6’2’’, 175 pounds. Athletic, projectable frame with strength held throughout.
Hit: RHH. Wide, balance stance with a slight bend in the knees; lift and replace stride to a low, wide position with good usage of the legs while initiating the bat head through a methodical, flat path into the zone. Repeated well with some leverage at impact, especially when hitting the ball to pull. Ability to lift the baseball on the inner half, boding well for power prospects down the line. 39% hard hit rate (batted balls over 90 mph) while accruing a standout 29 G’s of rotational acceleration pointing towards a big time power ceiling down the road. A bat to follow closely in the class as he matures.
Power: 94 mph exit velocity during BP per TrackMan. Easy doubles power with home run juice to the pull side (317 foot peak batted ball, twitchy hands).
Arm: RH. INF - 84 mph. Lengthy, high ¾ slot with good extension, accurate.
Defense: Approached with confidence working downhill with positive angles towards the target; smooth funnel inward at the chest with the ability to stick the right foot in the ground and let it rip. Chopped the feet to arrive on time when needed, impressive timing at the fielding window. Made the play on the run look simple from a rhythmic, lower slot.
Run: 7.34 60-yard time.
Delivery: Started off the left side of the rubber with moderate pace to the delivery; slight pause after a short side rocker, followed by a medium leg lift with slight hip coil across his body. Hid the ball well with loose, rhythmic mechanics; filled the zone up with repeatability and an athletic delivery.
Arm Action: RH. Loose high ¾ slot with quickness in the arm.
FB: T86 mph, 84-86 mph. Average spin rate of 2205 rpm. Mostly straight with some carry to it, good extension (6.34 feet on average) while pounding the zone at a 55% clip.
CB: 65-67 mph. Average spin rate of 2202 rpm. Consistent two plane, slurvey shape to it; ability to throw for strikes in any count. Could manipulate shape based on release.
CH: 72-73 mph. Killed spin with slight arm side fade to it.
SL: 72-73 mph. Average spin rate of 2160 rpm. Short sweep across the plate, got around it at times.