Pytlak stand 5-foot-6 185-pounds and showed smooth mechanics on the mound. He uses a high leg kick and stays tall on his backside before separating and working with an over the top arm slot over a firm front side. He showed clean arm action and was able to repeat his mechanics. With added strength in the weight room 2018 arm could see some big gains over the next few years.
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WNY Pro Holiday Clinic (December 19, 2015)
Pytlak stand 5-foot-6 185-pounds and showed smooth mechanics on the mound. He uses a high leg kick and stays tall on his backside before separating and working with an over the top arm slot over a firm front side. He showed clean arm action and was able to repeat his mechanics. With added strength in the weight room 2018 arm could see some big gains over the next few years.