A righty swinger that starts in a taller setup. Hands move slightly back during his short stride forward. Starts movements early and is at a strong position when he triggers. Hips tend to drift to pull side. Path is mostly level with some lag through the zone. A contact type guy presently with some thump when barrel gets a running start. Should see easy increases in pop as physical maturation takes its course. Looks smooth and athletic in the outfield. Ball skills are impressive as he plays through the baseball efficiently. Slot is a bit lower than ideal for the outfield but ball comes out well. A corner type frame. At third base he shows quiet actions and remains under control throughout fielding sequence. Plays low through the baseball. Hands work well in and out of funnel. Plays well on the move. Also worked out at shortstop, displaying similar actions. Made outstanding play to glove hand side. Hands work at both positions with frame/lateral mobility translating best to third base at this stage.
Home to First: 4.9 Infield Velocity: 66 Outfield Velocity: 67 Exit Velocity: 74
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A righty swinger that starts in a taller setup. Hands move slightly back during his short stride forward. Starts movements early and is at a strong position when he triggers. Hips tend to drift to pull side. Path is mostly level with some lag through the zone. A contact type guy presently with some thump when barrel gets a running start. Should see easy increases in pop as physical maturation takes its course. Looks smooth and athletic in the outfield. Ball skills are impressive as he plays through the baseball efficiently. Slot is a bit lower than ideal for the outfield but ball comes out well. A corner type frame. At third base he shows quiet actions and remains under control throughout fielding sequence. Plays low through the baseball. Hands work well in and out of funnel. Plays well on the move. Also worked out at shortstop, displaying similar actions. Made outstanding play to glove hand side. Hands work at both positions with frame/lateral mobility translating best to third base at this stage.
Home to First: 4.9
Infield Velocity: 66
Outfield Velocity: 67
Exit Velocity: 74