The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Home to First
The athlete's fastest home-to-first time in the given event year. Measured from bat-on-ball to foot-on-bag, in seconds (s).
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Body Type: 6-foot-3, 175-pound frame. Swing Mechanics: Lefty swinger that starts in a taller setup. Simple load with a slight back load to hands during short stride. Hit: Compact, downhill stroke with some hand speed and strength in there. Rotational sequence that generates more authority to pull side but also flashed the ability to work the opposite field. Power: 79.6 mph off the bat in BP. Offensive Projection: Multiple Roles.
Field: In the outfield he uses a controlled tempo throughout sequence. Ball skills are on par for his class.
Throw: Throws from over the top with loose action. Was very accurate on all of his throws.
Defensive Projection: Corner outfield.
Body Type: 6-foot-3, 175-pound athletic frame. Swing Mechanics: Small leg kick that gets everything in sync. Hands stay loose and loaded through contact. Hit: Level bat path that gets inside the baseball well, and goes to all fields. Good feel in the box. Remans loose and athletic through contact. Power: Line drive guy right now with long levers, and more to come. Offensive Projection: TBD. Field: In the outfield hge plays with aggressive feet in his approach before slowing at fielding to ensure ball security. Hands look to be on par for class. Throw: High-3/4 righty with average strength and present accuracy. Defensive Projection: TBD.
Draft Reports
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Body Type: 6-foot-3, 175-pound frame.
Swing Mechanics: Lefty swinger that starts in a taller setup. Simple load with a slight back load to hands during short stride.
Hit: Compact, downhill stroke with some hand speed and strength in there. Rotational sequence that generates more authority to pull side but also flashed the ability to work the opposite field.
Power: 79.6 mph off the bat in BP.
Offensive Projection: Multiple Roles.
Field: In the outfield he uses a controlled tempo throughout sequence. Ball skills are on par for his class.
Throw: Throws from over the top with loose action. Was very accurate on all of his throws.
Defensive Projection: Corner outfield.
Body Type: 6-foot-3, 175-pound athletic frame.
Swing Mechanics: Small leg kick that gets everything in sync. Hands stay loose and loaded through contact.
Hit: Level bat path that gets inside the baseball well, and goes to all fields. Good feel in the box. Remans loose and athletic through contact.
Power: Line drive guy right now with long levers, and more to come.
Offensive Projection: TBD.
Field: In the outfield hge plays with aggressive feet in his approach before slowing at fielding to ensure ball security. Hands look to be on par for class.
Throw: High-3/4 righty with average strength and present accuracy.
Defensive Projection: TBD.