12.4.16: Burke is 6-2 with a strong lower half, hits from the right side from an open stance. Short leg kick stride lands open, smooth load back, wraps a bit. Good hips and decent balance throughout swing. Uphill path with extension through the ball, pull approach with some juice, exit velocity of 88. At first base, footwork is fine with average hands. Throws from a three-quarters arm slot with a short arm action, position velocity of 73.
8.10.16: Burke is 6-2 and has a strong frame. Short arm action from a high three quarters arm, position velocity of 68. Fluid footwork and average hands, fine exchange. Hits from the right side with an open athletic stance. Loads back with a leg kick stride, ok lower half and average balance during swing. Shorter path with extension through the ball, pull approach with some juice. Exit velocity of 86.
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