VA/DC Unsigned Senior Games Corner Infielders
August 25, 2016
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By John Nolan
Assistant Director of Scouting/Content Management
On Wednesday, August 10, Prep Baseball Report Virginia/DC hosted its Unsigned Senior Games for members of the Class of 2017 at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland. 54 players took part in the event and over a dozen colleges were present, representing NCAA Divisions I, II, and III. Over the coming weeks, we will break down each player’s performance. Last week, we began with the first group of pitchers, continued with the second group, and wrapped up with a final group. This week, we will look at the position players, starting with the catchers on Monday. Tuesday we looked at the middle infielders and Wednesday we looked at the outfielders. Today we will look at the final position group, the corner infielders:
Bryan Brooks, New Kent
Short three quarters arm action in the infield, position velocity of 67. Average hands, fluid footwork, and a clean exchange. Hits from the right side with a slight crouch. Leg kick stride and an ok lower half with average balance throughout his swing. Level swing with gap or better power to his pull side, exit velocity of 92.
Anthony Burke, Lake Braddock
Burke is 6-2 and has a strong frame. Short arm action from a high three quarters arm, position velocity of 68. Fluid footwork and average hands, fine exchange. Hits from the right side with an open athletic stance. Loads back with a leg kick stride, ok lower half and average balance during swing. Shorter path with extension through the ball, pull approach with some juice. Exit velocity of 86.
Ryan Clawson, Cosby
Clawson is 6-0 tall with an athletic frame and a strong lower half. Short, loose arm action, lower three-quarters arm slot, sometimes coming up top, accurate throws with some carry, position velocity of 76. Average hands and fluid footwork. Clean exchange, plays through ball well. Hits from the right side from an athletic stance, loads back with a short leg kick stride. Ok lower half and good balance throughout swing. Good extension through the ball with his line drive swing, working gap to gap. Exit velocity of 90.
Avery Combs, E.C. Glass
Combs is 6-0 tall with an athletic frame. High three-quarters arm slot, loose arm with some carry, position velocity of 78 on the infield. Soft hands and fluid footwork, quick clean exchange, plays through the ball well. At catcher, high three-quarters arm slot with a quick arm, position velocity of 70. Clean exchange with pop times of 2.09-2.28. Hits from the left side from a closed stance. Smooth back load and a leg kick stride. Ok lower half and good balance throughout the swing. Fast bat with a good approach, short level swing. Line drive type with a gap-to-gap approach and a fluid rhythm, exit velocity of 87.
Nate Craner, Heritage
Craner has a short arm action, throwing from a low three-quarters arm slot, position velocity of 70. Average hands, quick fluid footwork and a quick clean exchange at first base. Hits from the right side from an open, crouched stance, slight load back with a short leg kick stride. Ok lower half and average balance. Line drive swing, works uphill. Exit velocity of 80.
Andrew Fischer, West Potomac
Low three-quarters slot in the infield with a short arm action, position velocity of 64. Average hands and fluid footwork with a clean exchange. Hits from the left side with a tall stance, loads back with a leg kick stride. Ok lower half, works uphill on his swing with a pull approach and pull power potential, exit velocity of 86.
Kyle Gotimer, Heritage
Gotimer is 6-0 and has an athletic frame with a strong lower half. Throws from a three-quarters arm action with a loose arm action, velocity of 71. Soft hands, quick fluid footwork and a quick clean exchange. Hits from the right side from a balanced stance. Leg kick stride, ok lower half and average balance throughout swing. Short inside out swing, line drive type working the opposite way. Exit velocity of 85.
Clay Naff, Atlee
At first base, short high three-quarters arm slot, position velocity of 67. Average hands and fluid footwork, clean exchange. Hits from the left side with a slightly open athletic stance. Slight back load and leg kick stride, ok lower half and good balance throughout swing. Level swing with extension through the ball, gap power to his pull side and a pull approach, exit velocity of 82.
Brett Ronyecs, Robinson
At third base, throws from a high three-quarters arm slot with a short arm action, average arm strength with a position velocity of 76. Average hands and fluid footwork, clean exchange and plays through the ball well. Hits from the left side from a slightly open athletic stance, slight load back. Ok lower half and average balance throughout his swing. Fast bat with a short, uphill path. Line drive type with doubles power to his pull side, exit velocity of 80.
Logan Sanders, North Stafford
At first base, long high three-quarters arm slot, position velocity of 72. Soft hands, quick footwork, clean quick exchange. Hits from the left side from a tall stance with low hands. Loads back with leg kick stride, ok lower half and average balance. Level line drive swing with gap power with his pull side. Exit velocity of 81.
Jacob Togni, Manassas Park
Togni is 6-0 with a strong frame. Short arm action with a low three-quarters arm slot, position velocity of 71. Clean exchange and footwork. Hits from the right side from a balanced athletic stance, no load and short stride. Ok lower half and above average balance through his swing. Above average batspeed and uphill swing path. Fluid rhythm and good approach, line drive swing with power to his pull side, exit velocity of 87.
Nick Yarrington, Tallwood
At third base, long three-quarters arm action, position velocity of 74. Smooth footwork and a clean exchange. Hits from the right side from an athletic stance. No load and a leg kick stride, ok lower half and good balance throughout his swing. Good batspeed and a good approach. Works gap to gap with a level line drive swing. Exit velocity of 80.