8.9.17: Willis is 6-2 with a strong lower half, he hits from the left side from a slightly open athletic stance. Short stride on line, short load to a slight wrap, some rhythm to swing. Hips fire completely and has some balance to swing. Short and quick to ball with extension through it, pull preference with a slightly uphill path, has power to pull side, exit velocity was 90. At first, gets behind the ball and fields with average hands. Throws from a three-quarters arm slot, short arm action, infield velocity was 83. On the mound, throws from a lower three-quarters arm slot with a short arm action, normal effort to his delivery. Shoulders uphill and slightly closed, lands slightly closed with a fall off finish. Fastball was 80-82 with some late run to it. Curveball had sharp 2/8 break and was 75-77 with some armspeed. Change-up was 77 with sink and some armspeed.
3.10.17: 6-foot-2, 220-pound frame. Sound arm action throwing from a high 3/4 arm slot. Fastball was straight sitting 80-82 topping out at 83. Falls off slightly to the third base side. Uses lower half, slight drop-n-drive style. At the plate showed quick hands and good balance at the plate.
2.11.17: Willis is 6-2 with a strong lower half, hits from the left side from an open athletic stance. Short stride closed, smooth load back, good rhythm to swing. Some hip explosion and some balance during swing. Short to ball, works uphill through it with good extension. Worked gap to gap in his round, but clearly has some power, exit velocity was 90. At first base, good footwork and above average hands, fields with wide base. Clean exchange, plays through ball, throws from low three-quarters arm slot, infield velocity was 80.
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