Mayer is 5-9 with a lankier athletic frame that still has projection to it. He hits from the right side from a slightly open athletic stance. Leg kick stride on line, loads down and back and has some rhythm to his swing. Hips rotate and he maintains some balance during his swing. Gets barrel to contact quickly, slightly uphill path, line drive swing, showed good approach working gap to gap, exit velocity was 87. On the infield, clean feet, fields the ball with soft hands and a wider base. Works through the ball to a clean exchange, throws from a higher three-quarters arm slot with a shorter arm action, infield velocity was 78. Ran a 4.34 home to first.
12.3.16 (End of Year Showcase) - Compact frame at 5-8, 150-pounds. Hits from a square setup, slightly open. Short weight shift back in load with leg kick. Slight bar arm into load. Quick hands with a level path and consistently barrelled up the ball. Gets in and out of zone with some rhythm throughout. Exit velocity of 82. Active feet in the infield with smooth actions. Clean hands and actions from the infield with sound fundamentals. Shorter quick arm action with an infield velocity of 80 mph.
5.22.16: Hits from balanced, athletic stance that stands slightly open. Smooth load back with a leg kick stride that gets back to square and controlled. Good rhythm throughout swing. Decent lower half drive with a level swing path that gets through at times. Line drive hitter. Bat exit velocity of 81 MPH. Throws from a loose, high three-quarters arm slot with some accuracy. Positional velocity of 80 MPH. Soft hands with fluid footwork that plays through the ball. Athletic defender.
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