Top Prospect Games Daytona: Player Analysis
July 24, 2020
PBR Florida
PBR Florida Staff

The Top Prospect Games Daytona took place Tuesday, July 7th at Jackie Robinson Ballpark in Daytona Beach, FL. The event featured prospects from the 2020-2024 classes participating in a pro-style workout and live gameplay in front of the PBR Florida Scouting Staff.
If you missed our Stats Story, featuring leaderboards and complete statistics from the event, CLICK HERE.
Today, we will share with your our Player Analysis from the Top Prospect Games Daytona. Player analysis features complete scouting reports on every player in attendance. Take a look
Player Analysis
Vicente Amaya Jr. 3B / OF / Elite Squad Academy, FL / 2021
Positional Profile: 3B/OF Body: 6-foot-1, 185-pounds. Stocky, athletic frame. Defense: Active footwork, soft hands at times, works through baseball towards the target with an upright finish with slight stiffness. Projectable corner guy. Arm: RH. INF - 74 mph. High 3/4 arm slot, long arm action. Hit: RHH. Balanced setup, high leg kick working with low hand load creating consistent timing. Level bat path, hands stay inside of baseball, average bat speed. Power: 84 mph exit velocity. Gap to gap approach. Run: 7.53 runner in the 60.
Jackson Barnett 1B / 3B / Sandalwood, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: 1B/3B Body: 6-foot-1, 220-pounds. Large, strong bodied frame. Defense: Wide one handed gather, fields baseball out front. Arm: RH. INF - 72 mph. Over the top arm slot, short arm action. Hit: RHH. Balanced athletic setup, quick leg lift allowing body momentum shift towards target. Level bat path, late bat lift, upright finish. Power: 73 mph exit velocity. Gap to gap power approach. Run: 8.25 runner in the 60.
Ryan Braddock SS / RHP / Williston, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: SS/RHP Body: 5-foot-9, 145-pounds. Thin, wiry, athletic frame. Defense: Fluid footwork, soft hands, flashed some athletic SS actions, quick release. Arm: RH. INF - 78 mph. High 3/4 arm slot, short arm action, active arm. Hit: Switch. LHH - Open setup, weight shift back, toe tap stride allowing positive momentum towards target. RHH - Tall setup, hands sit high by ear, slow leg kick, easy body actions towards baseball. LHH - level bat path, extension through swing. RHH - level bat path, working downhill with lift, athletic finish. Power: 83 mph exit velocity. LHH - pull-side gap approach contact approach. RHH - gap to gap line drive approach. Run: 7.3 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Tall and drive delivery, athletic finish. Arm Action: RH. Over top slot, short arm action. FB: T76, 73-76 mph. Slight sink. CB: 65-67 mph. 10/4 shape, over the plate, sharp when staying on top, goto strikeout pitch. CH: 67-69 mph. Fading run |
Ephraim Bravo OF / 3B / Monsignor Pace, FL / 2021
Positional Profile: OF/3B Body: 6-foot-1, 180-pounds. Athletic, long, high waisted, projectable frame. Defense: Athletic gather, positive, athletic, forward momentum towards target. Arm: RH. OF - 89 mph. On line, accurate, stays on top of baseball, working downhill. Hit: RHH. Wide athletic setup, slightly open, short quick leg kick, twitchy bat actions. Above average bat speed, short compact swing, level bat path, squares up baseball. Power: 94 mph exit velocity. Line drive up middle/pullside gap approach. Projectable power. Run: 6.73 runner in the 60. Quick twitch, athletic strides.
Andrew Burns 1B / OF / Steinbrenner, FL / 2021
Positional Profile: 1B/OF Body: 6-foot-4, 195-pounds. High waisted, strong bodied, long, athletic frame. Defense: Wide, athletic gather. Profiles as an OF, speed/range ability utilizes best in OF. Arm: RH. INF - 73 mph. Long to short arm action. Hit: RHH. Wide, athletic, compact setup, toe tap stride, easy controlled actions. Quick twitch, barrel finds baseball consistently, working direct path to baseball, above average bat speed. Power: 95 mph exit velocity. Line drive up middle approach, projectable power. Run: 6.69 runner in the 60. Long, quick, athletic strides, gaining ground quickly.
Positional Profile: 3B/SS Body: 6-foot-0, 175-pounds. Compact, athletic frame. Defense: Athletic gather, quick actions, active feet, working towards target with rhythm, present range. Arm: RH. INF - 82 mph. High 3/4 slot, short arm action, quick release. Hit: RHH. Slightly open setup, comfortable leg lift, relaxed hands. Hands stay inside of baseball, natural lift. Power: 85 mph exit velocity. Power approach to the gaps. Run: 7.29 runner in the 60.
Javier Crespo 2B / 3B / Timber Creek, FL / 2021
Positional Profile: 2B/3B Body: 5-foot-11, 158-pounds. Thin, wiry, athletic frame. Room for continued physical development. Defense: Reads baseball at angle, working left to right towards target with athletic rhythm, soft hands, comfortable gather. Arm: RH. INF - 89 mph. Above average arm strength, short quick arm action. Hit: RHH. Athletic wide based setup, active hands, toe tap stride allowing proper weight shift. Extension in swing generating power, bat speed present, natural lift. Power: 92 mph exit velocity. Up middle/gap approach, projectable power to pull side. Run: 6.7 runner in the 60. Quick, choppy strides.
Ryan Crivello SS / 2B / Calvary Christian, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: SS/2B Body: 5-foot-10, 165-pounds. Thin, high waisted, athletic frame. Defense: Choppy footwork, soft hands, twitchy gather, getting rid of baseball quickly. Arm: RH. INF - 78 mph. Over the top arm slot, short/quick arm action. Hit: RHH. Tall, slightly open setup, short lift, quiet hand actions. Works directly to baseball, extension through swing. Power: 82 mph exit velocity. Contact approach, up middle. Run: 7.04 runner in the 60.
Robert Demetree SS / 3B / TNXL Academy, FL / 2023
Positional Profile: SS/3B Body: 5-foot-11, 160-pounds. High waisted, athletic, projectable strong bodied frame. Defense: Athletic, true SS actions, soft hands working through baseball with rhythm. Arm: RH. INF - 91 mph. Arm strength present, over top arm slot, quick release, throws on target. Hit: RHH. Tall, athletic setup, strong hands work back then directly to baseball. Smooth/fluid actions all around, attacks baseball with intent, projectable power. Power: 91 mph exit velocity. Consistent gap to gap power. Run: 7.38 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: C/1B Body: 5-foot-11, 185-pounds. Stocky, athletic frame. Defense: 1.87-2.08 C - true athletic setup, leaves crouch quickly, active footwork, present blocking ability. Arm: RH. C - 73 mph. Over top arm slot, short arm action, quick release, throws on line. Hit: LHH. Athletic setup, quick toe tap stride allowing short compact swing. Above average bat speed, short bat path, compact swing, extension through swing, natural lift. Power: 92 mph exit velocity. Line drive, pullside gap approach. Run: 7.05 runner in the 60.
Zachary Ferlita C / 1B / Calvary Christian, FL / 2021
Positional Profile: C/1B Body: 6-foot-2, 185-pounds. Large, athletic, high waisted frame. Defense: 1.98-2.05 Wide, upright crouch, quick transfer at times, feet work. Arm: RH. C - 74 mph. Short to long arm action, over top arm slot. Hit: RHH. Wide, athletic setup, strong/quiet hands, no stride staying in athletic position through swing. Compact, direct bat path to baseball, twitchy actions, ability to turn on baseball. Power: 86 mph exit velocity. Projectable power to pullside gap. Run: 7.18 runner in the 60.
Tyler Gerteisen OF / RHP / Lawton Chiles, FL / 2021
Positional Profile: OF/RHP Body: 6-foot-0, 185-pounds. Large, stocky, athletic, strong bodied frame. Defense: Body works through baseball, twitchy gather producing quick release. Arm: RH. OF - 92 mph. Consistent arm strength present, quick athletic arm actions. Hit: LHH. Tall relaxed setup, hands sit high by ear, leg lift creating forward body momentum towards baseball. Natural lift, consistent quick bat speed. Power: 88 mph exit velocity. Aggressive to pullside. Run: 7.08 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Stays compact, hand stays in glove late, arm works quick, Slow and in control delivery. Arm Action: RH. Live, quick action, arm can get long at times. FB: T87, 83-87 mph. Late life, slight run, competitive in zone. CB: 70-74 mph. 11/5 shape, sharp. CH: 77-81 mph. Fading sink, commands. |
Anthony Grasso SS / 2B / Strawberry Crest , FL / 2022
Positional Profile: SS/2B Body: 5-foot-9, 155-pounds. Thin, athletic frame. Defense: Works left to right with rhythm towards baseball, soft hands, present athletic range. Arm: RH. INF - 87 mph. Arm strength present, quick release. Hit: RHH. Slightly open setup, quick leg lift, quiet hands, athletic actions. Working a level bat path, twitch actions, natural lift. Power: 83 mph exit velocity. Contact, gap to gap approach. Run: 7.06 runner in the 60.
Jacob Guthrie OF / SS / Trenton , FL / 2021
Positional Profile: OF/SS Body: 5-foot-10, 165-pounds. Thin, athletic frame. Defense: OF - Comfortable, in control of body actions, fielding baseball in front working through with momentum towards target. Arm: RH. OF - 86 mph. OF - Arm works, long to short arm action, 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Leg kick creating momentum, strong hands. athletic body control. Bat speed present, consistent bat path, natural lift. Power: 90 mph exit velocity. Pullside gap approach. Run: 6.99 runner in the 60. Short, quick, athletic strides.
Spencer Hawes 3B / C / Lake Brantley, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: 3B/C Body: 6-foot-2, 190-pounds. Large, high waisted, strong bodied frame. Defense: 2.11-2.23 INF - plays glove out front, two handed gather, active footwork, profiles as a corner guy. C - tall setup, long actions at times, flashed some quickness on transfer. Arm: RH. C - 73 mph. INF - 78 mph. INF - long arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. C - short to long arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Athletic, slightly open setup, hands sit high, short leg lift. Compact bat path, extension at times, hands staying inside of baseball. Power: 74 mph exit velocity. Contact, gap to gap approach. Run: 7.56 runner in the 60.
Cole Huddleston SS / 2B / Palm Harbor University , FL / 2024
Positional Profile: SS/2B Body: 5-foot-7, 135-pounds. Thin, wiry, athletic frame. Defense: Fluid controlled footwork working through baseball, soft hands, athletic gather. Arm: RH. INF - 74 mph. Long to short arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Tall, slightly open, athletic setup, quiet hands, short leg lift. Short bat path, compact swing, positive body momentum, lift in swing. Power: 76 mph exit velocity. Contact, gap to gap approach. Run: 7.92 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Drop and drive delivery, up tempo. Arm Action: RH. Over top slot. FB: T75, 71-75 mph. Slight run. CB: 61-63 mph. 11/5 shape, spinner CH: 58-60 mph. Circle change action. |
Ryan Johns SS / RHP / Sickles, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: SS/RHP Body: 6-foot-2, 140-pounds. Thin, high waisted frame. Defense: Tall, athletic gather, soft hands, fluid transfer. Arm: RH. INF - 83 mph. Arm works, long, quick 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Tall, slightly open setup, quick leg lift, barrel tilt load. Direct bat path, arm extension on contact. Power: 84 mph exit velocity. Contact, up the middle approach. Run: 7.26 runner in the 60.
Dalton Kuhn C / 3B / Lawton Chiles, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: C/3B Body: 6-foot-0, 170-pounds. Stocky, athletic, projectable frame. Defense: 2.00-2.09 Upright crouch, flashed some quickness on release. Arm: RH. C - 73 mph. Short arm action, over top arm slot. Hit: RHH. Slightly open, relaxed setup, minimal body actions, quiet hands. Short bat path, compact, hands stay inside baseball, natural lift at times. Power: 83 mph exit velocity. Contact, up the middle approach. Run: 7.25 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: OF/2B Body: 5-foot-11, 155-pounds. Thin, high waisted, athletic frame. Defense: Quick footwork, moving towards target with momentum, athletic gather. Arm: RH. OF - 80 mph. Short arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Open setup, quiet hands, short bat path, hands stay inside baseball. Quick path working directly to baseball. Power: 74 mph exit velocity. Line drive, up the middle approach. Run: 6.55 runner in the 60. Quick, light feet, twitchy actions.
Johnnie Lopez SS / 2B / Deltona, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: SS/2B Body: 6-foot-0, 170-pounds. Athletic, strong lower half frame. Defense: Fluid, in control gathers, sees baseball to glove. Arm: RH. INF - 80 mph. Long arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: LHH. Tall, slightly open setup, some crouch, weight sits back working into explode towards target. Twitchy, bat speed present, quick compact swing, ability to turn on baseball quickly. Power: 84 mph exit velocity. Line drive, gap to gap approach. Run: 6.84 runner in the 60. Quick, strong strides.
Eli Maddox C / 1B / Oakleaf, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: C/1B Body: 6-foot-3, 220-pounds. Large, tall, strong bodied frame. Defense: 2.01-2.04 1B -Two handed gather, some stiffness on gather and finish, feet work for size. C - slightly open crouch, quick transfer, active footwork. Arm: RH. C - 75 mph. INF - 78 mph. 1B - Short arm action, over top arm slot. C - short to long arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Tall, open setup, leg lift, hands loading down and back creating lift, slight stiffness on finish. Quick hands, some length in bat path, bat speed present. Power: 90 mph exit velocity. Aggressive to pullside, present power. Run: 7.58 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: RHP/3B Body: 6-foot-3, 200-pounds. Large, high waisted, strong, athletic frame.
Delivery: Tall and fall delivery, some stiffness, finishing in line of target. Arm Action: RH. Over the top slot, arm strength present. FB: T89, 85-88 mph. Hard, sinking run action, late life, competitive, effective in zone. SL: 73-74 mph. Cutting action |
Owen McElfatrick SS / 3B / Berkeley Prep, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: SS/3B Body: 6-foot, 175-pounds. High waisted, athletic, strong frame. Defense: One hand gather, stiff at times on throw, fluid footwork, athletic glove actions. Arm: RH. INF - 83 mph. Quick arm action, quick twitch, short arm, 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Aggressive leg/hand actions generating power/ whip. Bat speed present, natural lift, hurts baseball. Power: 84 mph exit velocity. Power to pullside gap approach. Run: 6.97 runner in the 60. Short, quick, choppy strides.
John McIntosh OF / OF / St. Petersburg Catholic, FL / 2021
Positional Profile: OF Body: 6-foot-, 170-pounds. High waisted, athletic frame. Defense: Works through baseball to target, one handed gather on transfer, fields baseball on front side. Arm: LH. OF - 78 mph. Long, quick arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: LHH. Tall setup, weight sitting on front leg, slight shift back creating positive momentum towards baseball, quiet hands. Level bat path, working directly to baseball, driving baseball out front of zone. Power: 82 mph exit velocity. Line drive, pullside gap approach. Run: 6.75 runner in the 60. High, choppy, twitchy strides.
J.R. Millar 2B / SS / First Academy, FL / 2023
Positional Profile: 2B/SS Body: 5-foot-9, 150-pounds. Thin, wiry, high waisted frame. Defense: Works to baseball left to right through the target. Arm: RH. INF - 70 mph. Short arm action, 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Athletic setup, active hands, short quick leg lift. Level bat path, short compact swing, barrels up baseball consistently. Power: 72 mph exit velocity. Contact up middle approach. Run: 7.39 runner in the 60.
Dillon Moquin OF / RHP / Stoneman Douglas, FL / 2023
Positional Profile: OF/RHP Body: 6-foot-1, 185-pounds. Athletic, strong lower half frame. Defense: Controlled gather, athletic footwork, gets into an explosive position for throw. Arm: RH. OF - 89 mph. Quick action, athletic, arm strength is present. Hit: LHH. Balanced setup, leg kick allowing weight shift to be in rhythm, quiet hands, slight barrel tilt. Works on down hill path, natural lift, twitchy actions on contact. Power: 83 mph exit velocity. Line drive gap to gap approach, projectable power. Run: 7.27 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Tall and fall delivery, finishes upright. Arm Action: RH. High 3/4 slot. Short to long extended arm action. FB: T82, 77-80 mph. Running action, CB: 67-68 mph. 10/4 shape, left to right action. CH: 74-75 mph. Run action. |
Liam O'Neil 1B / 3B / Episcopal, FL / 2023
Positional Profile: 1B/3B Body: 6-foot-4, 220-pounds. Large, strong bodied frame. Defense: Two handed gather, some stiffness, long at times getting to release. Arm: RH. INF - 70 mph. Long to short arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: LHH. Tall setup, back foot closed in, strong hands barrel tilt load, toe tap stride. Level path, compact swing, above average bat speed. Power: 90 mph exit velocity. Projectable power to pullside gap. Run: 7.79 runner in the 60.
Carston Palmer OF / RHP / Live Oak- Suwannee, FL / 2023
Positional Profile: OF/RHP Body: 6-foot, 155-pounds. Thin, high waisted, athletic frame. Defense: Active footwork, athletic gather, twitchy release. Arm: RH. OF - 78 mph. High 3/4 arm slot, long quick arm action. Hit: RHH. Athletic, open setup, quiet hands, barrel tilt, toe tap stride. Direct bat path, bat speed present, squaring up baseball. Power: 84 mph exit velocity. Contact approach to pullside gap. Run: 6.71 runner in the 60. Quick, twitchy strides.
Delivery: Short lift, drop and drive delivery, Arm Action: RH. High 3/4 slot, short to long extended action. FB: T76, 71-75 mph. Sink when staying on top of baseball. SL: 66-70 mph. 10/4 shape, slight bite. |
Broc Parmer C / OF / Pace, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: C/OF Body: 6-foot-3, 200-pounds. Tall, large, high waisted, strong bodied frame. Defense: 2.07-2.08 Squared crouch, quick footwork, gets out of crouch quickly, flashed some quickness on release. Arm: RH. C - 76 mph. High 3/4 arm slot, short arm action. Hit: LHH. Tall, open setup, strong high hands, above average strength in hands. Level bat path, natural lift, twitchy actions on contact, baseball jumps off of barrel. Power: 92 mph exit velocity. Present power to all fields. Run: 7.17 runner in the 60.
Luke Percifield SS / RHP / Osceola Fundamental, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: SS/RHP Body: 6-foot-0, 160-pounds. Thin, high waisted, athletic frame. Defense: INF - fluid footwork, soft hands, athletic gather. OF - fields baseball out front, works momentum towards target. Arm: RH. INF - 77 mph. OF - 80 mph. INF - long to short arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. OF - long quick arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Tall slightly open setup, high leg kick creating forward body momentum towards baseball, active hands. Level bat path, weight out on front foot at times. Power: 81 mph exit velocity. Contact gap to gap approach. Run: 7.19 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Tall and fall delivery, finishes upright at time, arm working across body. Arm Action: RH. 3/4 arm slot, FB: T78, 76-78 mph. Slight cut, sink when going inside. CB: 67-70 mph. 10/4 shape, left to right action. |
Ethan Phillips RHP / OF / Calvary Christian , FL / 2022
Positional Profile: OF/RHP Body: 6-foot-2, 165-pounds. Thin, high waisted, athletic frame. Defense: Fields baseball out front, one hand gather, athletic hop on throw, towards target. Arm: RH. OF - 84 mph. High 3/4 arm slot, long arm action. Hit: Switch. Tall, balanced setup, leg kick, active hands. Slight lift, level bat path, body momentum towards baseball. Power: 83 mph exit velocity. Projectable power to pullside gap. Run: 7.06 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Tall, drop and drive delivery, athletic, reaches balance point at times getting true extension down mound. Arm Action: RH. High 3/4 slot, FB: T87, 81-86 mph. Running action, CB: 67-68 mph. 11/5 shape, true CB action, competitive swing and miss pitch. CH: 75-76 mph. Circle change action |
Trey Powers C / 3B / The Bolles School, FL / 2021
Positional Profile: C/3B, Competitive strike thrower. Body: 5-foot-10, 175-pounds. Athletic, strong frame. Defense: 2.00-2.08 Athletic crouch, quick release, active footwork. Arm: RH. C - 74 mph. Short to long arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Comfortable, athletic setup, toe tap stride, shorthand load. Consistent barrel path, downhill path at times, making contact out front of zone. Power: 87 mph exit velocity. Line drive, working gap to gap approach. Run: 7.52 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Short leg lift, athletic lower half working towards plate, starts closed. Arm Action: RH. High 3/4 arm slot, long action across body. FB: T81, 78-81 mph. Competitive in zone, run. CB: 68-70 mph. Left to right action across zone, slurve action, bite. CH: 73-74 mph. Fading, sink |
Positional Profile: 2B/OF Body: 5-foot-7, 150-pounds. Thin, athletic frame. Defense: Active feet, soft hands, quick gather. Arm: RH. INF - 75 mph. Short to long arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: LHH. Slightly open setup, leg lift, barrel tilt load, finished closed off. Level bat path, lift at times on contact. Power: 77 mph exit velocity. Fly ball, pullside gap. Run: 7.92 runner in the 60.
Sean Shelly 1B / RHP / Calvary Christian, FL / 2022
Positional Profile: 1B/RHP Body: 6-foot-3, 195-pounds. Athletic, high waisted projectable frame. Defense: Keeps ball in front, wide gather, athletic feet. Arm: RH. INF - 76 mph. Long arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Tall, balanced setup, strong hands, low leg lift, strong lower half. Barrel whip generating lift/power, baseball jumps off barrel. Power: 92 mph exit velocity. Projectable power to pullside gap. Run: 7.85 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Tall and fall delivery, gathered, reaches balance point, extension down mound. Arm Action: RH. Over top arm slot, long arm action. FB: T79, 76-79 mph. Sinking action CB: 68-72 mph. 10/4 shape, true slurve action when staying on top of baseball. |
Positional Profile: OF Body: 5-foot-11, 170-pounds. Thin, athletic frame. Defense: Choppy footwork, one handed gather. Arm: RH. OF - 67 mph. Long to short arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Tall setup, toe tap stride, quiet hands, barrel tilt load. Short, compact swing, slight natural lift. Power: 91 mph exit velocity. Gap to gap approach. Run: 7.27 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: OF Body: 5-foot-9, 180-pounds. Stocky, athletic frame. Defense: Active feet, fields baseball out front, two handed gather, body separation/extension on throw. Arm: RH. OF - 82 mph. Long to short arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Hit: RHH. Above average strength in hands, tall, slightly open setup, high leg kick generating momentum. Barrel tilt load, whippy, short compact swing, twitchy actions on contact. Power: 96 mph exit velocity. Power approach, aggressive to pullside. Run: 6.69 runner in the 60. High, quick choppy strides.
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