Top Prospect Games East: Pitchers Analysis
July 11, 2019
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Close to 30 uncommitted players from the 2020 - 2022 graduating classes came to Salisbury University this year for the PBR Maryland Top Prospect Games East. Tons of talent was on display as each player participated in a pro-style workout and game in front of college coaches from around the region and our PBR scouting staff. Below is an analysis of each of the pitchers at the event. Be sure to continue following us right here next week as we bring you full analysis of all the players from the Top Prospect Games West and check out the links below for full coverage of the Top Prospect Games East.
Top Prospect Games East: Pitchers
Brandon M Bradshaw C / RHP / CH Flowers, MD / 2021Strong, athletic body type and 5’8’’, 185 pound frame. Controlled side-step wind-up and leg kick into a compact balance point with a slight corkscrew. Smooth delivery landing slightly open to the plate. Clean hand separation and long, loose arm action. Creates quick arm speed through release. Throws from a high three quarters slot with regular effort. Gets over front side with good extension and an athletic finish. Fastball ranged 71-76 mph and mixed in a changeup at 67-70 mph. |
Ryan Corbin RHP / SS / Kent Island, MD / 2021Long, lean, athletic body type and projectable 6’1’’, 165 pound frame. Controlled side-step wind-up and high leg kick into a slightly crouched balance point. Arm gets long in separation and short to release. Creates quick arm speed and some whippy arm action through release. Strong lower half drive off the rubber and lands slightly closed to the plate. Throws from a mid three-quarters arm slot with some effort. Fastball ranged 73-80 mph and showed slight arm side run. Breaking ball had tight 11/5 break at 60-62 mph, and changeup was 67-70 with slight fade. |
Nathan Dawes RHP / 3B / Howard , MD / 2021Athletic body type and 6’1’’, 165 pound frame. Controlled side-step wind-up and leg kick into a compact balance point. Strong lower half drive and really pushes hard off the rubber. Lands square to the plate with a slightly upright finish. Gets over front side well and creates fast arm speed through release. Throws with short arm action from a high three-quarter slot with some effort. Fastball ranged 79-84 mph with slight arm-side run. Breaking ball had tight, hard 12/6 break at 62-63 mph and changeup sat 66-68 mph. |
Cole Gursky C / RHP / Snow Hill, MD / 2020Long, lean, athletic body type and projectable 6’3’’, 175 pound frame. Controlled side-step wind-up and leg kick into a crouched balance point. Quick, clean hand separation and down-to-out lower half drive. Long arm action and showed some quick arm speed through release. Gets over front side with good extension and lands square to the plate with an athletic finish. Throws downhill from a high three-quarter arm slot with light effort. Fastball ranged 82-85 mph and touched 86 mph. Breaking ball showed some 11/5 action at 70-71 mph and changeup was 73-77 mph. |
Damion Kenealy 3B / RHP / St. Mary's , MD / 2022Strong body type and 5’10’’, 145 pound frame. Up-tempo side-step wind-up and leg kick into a tight, compact balance point. Smooth delivery, landing square to the plate with an athletic finish. Throws with short arm action from a low three-quarters slot with easy effort. Fastball ranged 69-74 mph with slight arm side run and breaking ball was 60-61 mph with some 10/4 action. |
Ethan Kennedy 3B / RHP / North County, MD / 2020Lean, athletic body type and 5’10’’, 145 pound frame. Controlled side-step wind-up and high leg kick into a tall, compact balance point. Down-to-out lower half drive landing closed off to the plate in a slightly upright position. Has a tendency to drag back side. Throws with shorter arm action from a high three-quarters, near over the top arm slot with easy effort. Fastball ranged 73-80 mph and breaking ball showed tight 12/6 shape at 64-66 mph. |
Tyler Miles RHP / 3B / Oakland Mills, MD / 2021Long, lanky body type and projectable 6’4’’, 195 pound frame. Slightly up-tempo side-step wind-up and leg kick into a tall, compact balance point. Smooth, downhill kick out stride with some lower half drive. Lands slightly open with a loose, athletic finish. Short arm action and showed quick arm speed through release. Throws from a mid three-quarters slot with regular effort. Fastball ranged 78-83 mph with more in the tank. Breaking ball was 67-72 mph with 11/5 shape and changeup sat 67-69 mph. |
Dylan Nickle RHP / 3B / Perryville, MD / 2021Athletic body type and 5’11’’, 160 pound frame. Controlled side-step wind-up and leg kick into a tall balance point position with hands set high, slightly above head. Down-to-out kick-out stride with slight hesitation. Throws with a long, loose arm action from a high three-quarter slot with regular effort. Creates quick arm speed through release. Lands square to the plate with an athletic finish. Gets over front side and throws downhill with good extension. Fastball sat 76-79 mph. Breaking ball showed tight 11/5 action at 62-64 mph, and changeup was 67-69 mph with some late fade. |
Ryan Pastor RHP / OF / Georgetown Prep, MD / 2020Athletic body type and 6’0’’, 160 pound frame. Controlled side-step wind-up and leg kick into a tall balance position. Very smooth downhill delivery and strong lower half drive. Really gets over front side well and lands square to the plate with an athletic finish. Throws with long, loose arm action and creates fast arm speed through release. Comes at the hitter from a low three-quarters arm slot with some effort. Showed good control and poise on the mound. Fastball ranged 76-81 mph. Slider was 61-64 mph with tight 11/5 shape and changeup sat 67-70 mph with some fade. |
Evan Selmer RHP / 3B / Indian Creek, MD / 2021Solid body type and projectable 6’2’’, 185 pound frame. Up-tempo, side-step wind-up and high leg kick into a tall, slightly crouched, compact balance point. Smooth, downhill delivery with some lower half drive. Gets over front side well and lands square to the plate with an athletic finish. Clean hand separation and throws with long arm action from a high three-quarter slot with light effort. Creates quick arm speed through release and keeps the ball down in the zone. Fastball ranged 81-86 mph. Breaking ball was 73-76 mph with 11/5 shape and changeup showed some fade at 68-71 mph. |
Garrett Southern 2B / RHP / James M. Bennett, MD / 2020Athletic body type and 5’10’’, 160 pound frame. Controlled side-step wind-up and high leg kick into a slightly crouched, compact balance position. Long, smooth stride and delivery. Has a tendency to drag back side through. Lands square to the plate with an athletic, recoil finish. Throws with long, loose arm action from a high three-quarter slot and creates quick arm speed with some whip through release. Fastball ranged 77-81 mph and breaking ball was 62-64 mph with 12/6 shape. |
Ben Wieman 3B / RHP / Archbishop Spalding, MD / 2021Athletic body type and projectable 6’2’’, 175 pound frame. Small, side-step, full wind-up and high leg kick into a tall balance point. Controlled downhill delivery. Lands square to the plate with an athletic finish. Clean hand separation and long arm action creating quick arm speed through release. Throws from a high three-quarter slot with easy effort. Fastball ranged 79-83 mph. Breaking ball was 69-73 with 12/6 shape and changeup sat 74-75 mph. |