Prep Baseball Report

Commitment Spotlight: '19 Adam Weed, OF, Farmington

Andy Judkins
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota


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Scouting Report

6/19/18-  6-foot-1, 200-pound left-handed hitting outfielder. #30 ranked player in MN 2019 class. 6.75 runner. Loads into legs, short to contact, above avg. present strength, some stiffness in lower half, flashes pull side pop in bat, 96 mph exit velocity. Athletic in field with somewhat raw actions, multi-sport athlete, solid routes and angles, works through ball, stiffer arm action, 79 mph arm strength from outfield.

7/5/17- 6-foot-2, 190-pound left-handed hitting outfielder. Physical athlete with present strength. 6.82 runner. Square balanced stance, some rhythm with hitchy trigger to contact, flares to oppo side, has flashes of pop in bat to pull, 86 mph exit velocity. Works through ball well, needs to set feet before release on throws, arcing path out of hand, 77 mph arm strength from outfield. Projectable build, strong follow in 2019 class, should improve with minor tweaks to game.



PBR: Why did you choose the school you did?

Weed: I chose the University of Illinois at Chicago because it had all I needed to excel athletically and academically.

PBR: What other schools were you considering?

Weed: Some of the schools that had reached out to me that I considered were Purdue, Cal Poly, NDSU, and Mankato State.

PBR: Where did the coaching staff first see you? How did your relationship develop with him?

Weed: I believe the first time UIC saw me play was at an Indiana tournament and then at the next tournament in St. Louis. My relationship started to develop really well with them after I took my official visit and met everyone.

PBR: Do you feel relieved now that the process is over and you can just focus on baseball and not deal with everything that goes into picking a school?

Weed: I feel very relieved to have made my decision because I was also getting recruited heavily with football so there were a lot of people communicating with me. As fun as the recruiting process is, it is nice to know where I will be going.

PBR: Was there one deciding factor that put your choice over the top?

Weed: The biggest thing for me was how invested UIC was into me as a player and person. I wanted to go to a place where I could have really good relationships with the coaches and players.

PBR: Who has helped you the most to get to where you are today?

Weed: I would have to say my family as a whole. My mother has given me a great amount of confidence and support that I needed. My dad has invested countless hours into making me the best player I could be at anything I do. My little brother, Connor, has been right by my side whether that be hitting with each other, playing long toss, or just pushing me to be the best I can be.

PBR: What were your expectations about the recruiting process? Was it easy/difficult?

Weed: The recruiting process has been long and very confusing at times. There are a lot of rules and guidelines that need to be followed.  I was very thankful to have my High School and Mash coaches as well as the UIC coaches help navigate me through the recruiting process.

PBR: What plans does the coaching staff have in store for you in your freshman season?

Weed: The coaching staff at UIC wants me to be ready to help out in their outfield and contribute offensively as well.

PBR: What is your most memorable baseball moment to date?

Weed: The most memorable moment while playing baseball would be when I was 12, winning the Minnesota State Championship, then going on to play baseball at Cooperstown and visiting the Baseball Hall of Fame.

PBR: Who is the best player that you have competed against?

Weed: The best player I have played against would be Sam Carlson. I remember him hitting two home runs against us in the same game.