Prep Baseball Report

Then and Now: Jackson Kirkpatrick

Brandon Hall
Executive Director, PBR of NC

The spring of 2020 has seen a lot of unprecedented action with the season being cancelled, classes being operated from home, and the MLB Draft reduced to 5 rounds.  A season that was destined to highlight the graduating class and how far they have come, was ended in heart breaking fashion.

In the coming weeks we are going to highlight players from the 2020 class, looking at their development as players.  PBR of North Carolina is in its fourth year of existance and now has history on the graduating class.  Then and Now will work to highlight where players were, where they are, and how they got there.


Then and Now: Jackson Kirkpatrick

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Our first look at Kirkpatrick was as he finished up his Sophomore year at McMichael HS and was just beginning to transition to a more prominent role on the mound.  In a PBR Tournament, throwing for the NCBA Golden Spikes, Kirkpatrick worked 82-85 early, settling at 82-83.  The towering presence and big frame, paired with a strike throwing mentality put him on the radar.

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