Preseason I.D. - Gurnee: Infield Analysis
April 10, 2017
By Drew Locascio
Illinois Scouting Director
The third annual Preseason I.D. - Gurnee Showcase at The Bat Speed Academy in Gurnee, IL took place Sunday, February 26, 2017. The event was open to all high school classes and featured just shy of 100 prospects from around the Chicagoland area.
We began the analysis from the event with the catchers last week. Today we continue by looking at the infielders in attendance.
1. Austin Higgins, SS/2B, Fremd, 2019
5-foot-11, 167-pound, athletically built, switch hitting middle infielder. Defensively, works from multiple arm slots with a long arm action, kept throws around the bag, clocked at 80 mph across the infield. Fields his position athletically, plays through the ball, possesses soft hands, fluid footwork, clean on exchanges. Offensively, balanced, athletic setup from both sides, short stride, lower half works, maintains balance through swing. Pull hitter, barrel takes a level path through the zone. Recorded an 81 mph exit velocity from the left side and 79 mph from the right. Ran a 4.36 home to first.
2. Kyle Fasbinder, 1B, Vernon Hills, 2018
6-foot-2, 190-pound, wide-shouldered, athletically built, first baseman. Offensively, left-handed hitter, fluid rhythm, loose, easy swing, short path through the zone. 86 mph exit velocity from a tee. Open setup, slight load, short stride, maintains balance through contact. Defensively, has a long arm action from a high ¾ slot, clean exchange. Throws clocked at 76 mph across the infield. 4.66 home to first runner.
3. Logan Mueller, SS/RHP, Lakes Community, 2019
5-foot-10, 160-pound, two-way player, strong, athletic frame. Defensively, arm slot varies between over-the-top and high ¾ with a long arm action, kept throws around the bag with carry. Clocked at 90 mph across the infield. Plays through the ball, soft hands, quick, fluid footwork. Offensively, open, balanced setup, leg lift stride, fluid rhythm, maintains balance through swing. Uphill barrel path, generates bat speed, recorded an 87 mph exit velocity off a tee. Ran a 4.54 home to first. On the mound, works from a ¾ arm slot with a short, stabbing arm action. Drop and drive delivery, max effort, works on-line, lands toe closed, finishes upright. Fastball, downward action, sat 83-84 mph. Curveball, 10/4 shape, late action, 72-74 mph. Changeup, thrown with near fastball arm speed, sinking action, 70-72 mph.
4. Ryan Leland, 3B/RHP, Sandburg, 2019
6-foot-3, 170-pound, lanky, athletically built, third baseman and right-handed pitcher. On the mound, works from a high ¾ arm slot with long, loose arm action and quick arm speed. Tall and fall delivery, works on-line, lands square, finishes athletically. Fastball, works downhill, sat 79-80 mph, topped out at 81 mph. Slider, 10/4 shape, gradual action, thrown with near fastball arm speed, controlled the zone, clocked at 69-71 mph. Changeup, thrown with near fastball arm speed, flashed fade, 67-69 mph. Offensively, balanced setup, short stride, fluid rhythm, maintains good balance through swing. Line drive hitter with gap-to-gap ability, level barrel path through the zone. Recorded an 87 mph exit velocity off a tee. Defensively, works from a ¾ arm slot with long arm action, kept throws around the bag. 74 mph across the infield. Ran a 4.81 home to first.
5. Tommy Windt, 3B/RHP, Sandburg, 2019
6-foot-2, 185-pound, athletic third baseman and right-handed pitcher. Defensively, works from a high ¾ arm slot with short, loose arm action, kept throws around the bag with carry. Clocked at 82 mph across the infield. Fields his position athletically. Offensively, tall setup, smooth load, leg lift stride, dives towards plate, fluid rhythm, maintains balance through swing. Gap-to-gap hitter, long, uphill barrel path through zone, generates bat speed, recorded an exit velocity of 86 mph off a tee. On the mound, works from a ¾ arm slot with long, stabbing arm action. Tall and fall delivery, works on-line, lands closed, and finishes falling off. Fastball sat at 79-82 mph. Curveball, 10/4 shape, early action, 67-70 mph. Changeup, straight, thrown with near fastball arm speed, clocked at 75 mph. Ran a 4.80 home to first.
5. Donovan Nanfeldt, 1B, Andrew, 2018
6-foot-1, 205-pound, first baseman with a strong frame. Offensively, right-handed hitter with power potential. Fluid rhythm, ball jumps off the bat, pull approach, short path. 100 mph exit velocity. Open, balanced setup, loads back, long stride, maintains balance through contact. Defensively, fluid footwork, clean exchange. Short, loose arm action from a high ¾ to ¾ slot. Throws clocked at 74 mph across the infield. 4.80 home to first runner.
BEST OF THE REST (Listed Alphabetically)
Michael Bedard, 1B/RHP, Barrington, 2019
6-foot-2, 185-pound, lanky right-handed pitcher and first baseman. Defensively, fields his position athletically with quick, fluid footwork, and quick exchanges. Works from an over-the-top arm slot with long arm action, clocked at 72 mph across the infield. Offensively, crouching setup, line drive hitter, short, level barrel path through the zone. Recorded an 81 mph exit velocity off a tee. On the mound, works from an over-the-top arm slot with short, firm arm action. Fastball, late run, clocked at 74-75 mph, topped out at 76 mph. Curveball, 12/6 shape, early action, clocked at 62-64 mph. Changeup, thrown with near fastball arm speed, sinking action, clocked at 66-70 mph. Ran a 4.53 home to first.
Michael Behrendt, C/INF, Lakes Community, 2018
6-foot-1, 175-pound, athletically built, right-handed hitting multi-positional prospect. Defensively, worked out behind the plate and on the infield. On the infield, steady hands, maintains body control, clean exchange, short, clean arm clocked at 81 mph across the diamond. Behind the plate, arm works from a lower slot, throws clocked at 72 mph from the crouch. Pop times ranged between 2.19-2.32. Offensively, balanced, minimal pre-pitch movement, short leg-kick timing trigger, level bat path; 88 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.40 home-to-first time.
Austin Biehl, SS/2B, Mahomet-Seymour, 2018
5-foot-10, 160-pound, well-proportioned, middle-infielder. Offensively, right-handed hitter, fluid rhythm, flashed bat speed, some looseness in swing, level path. Exit velocity registered at 87 mph from a tee. Open setup, loads back, short stride. Defensively, soft hands, fluid footwork, clean exchange, athletic fielding position. Short arm action from a high ¾ slot. Throws flashed accuracy and were clocked at 77 mph across the infield. 4.43 home to first runner.
Austin Card, 2B/SS, Indian Trail (WI), 2019
5-foot-6, 155-pound, right-handed middle infielder. Defensively, works from multiple arm slots with a long arm action. Plays through the ball, fluid footwork, clean on exchanges. Clocked at 73 mph across the infield. Offensively, balanced setup, smooth load, short stride, dives towards the plate, legs work, maintains balance through swing. Gap-to-gap hitter, level barrel path through the zone. Recorded an 84 mph exit velocity. Ran a 4.90 home to first.
Rahul Champaneri, 1B/LHP, Mundelein, 2019
5-foot-10, 165-pound, lanky, athletically built, right-handed hitting two-player. On the mound left-handed pitcher, works from a ¾ arm slot with long, loose arm action and quick arm speed. Tall and fall delivery, easy effort, lands slightly closed, finishes athletically. Fastball, late run action, clocked at 77-78 mph. Curveball, 1/7 shape, gradual action, thrown with near fastball arm speed, controlled the zone, clocked at 61-63 mph. Changeup, thrown with near fastball arm speed, slight fade action, kept down in the zone, clocked at 65-67 mph. Defensively, works form a high ¾ arm slot with long, loose arm action. Clocked at 78 mph across the infield. Offensively, tall, open setup, long stride, occasionally dives towards the plate. Barrel path stays level through the zone, flashed loose hands. Recorded a 77 mph exit velocity off a tee. Ran a 5.13 home to first.
Jason Clark, 3B/2B, ROWVA, 2019
5-foot-10, 180-pound, right-handed infielder. Defensively, arm slot varies between over-the-top and high ¾, short arm action, kept throws around the bag. Clocked at 78 mph across the infield. Offensively, tall setup, smooth load, leg kick stride, lower half works, maintains balance through swing. Pull hitter, gap-to-gap ability, short, level barrel path through the zone, recorded an 81 mph exit velocity off a tee. Ran a 4.62 home to first.
Jordan Craig, SS/RHP, Marian Catholic, 2018
5-foot-11, 175-pound, two-way player. On the mound, right-handed pitcher, works exclusively out of the stretch. East effort delivery, lands open. Long arm action from a high ¾ angle. Fastball, flashed late action, sat 74-75 mph. Curveball, plus pitch, varied between 12/6 and 11/5 shape, sharp, downer action, sat 69-70 mph. Changeup, thrown for strikes, 72-73 mph. Offensively, right-handed hitter, narrow setup, long stride, level path. Exit velocity registered at 73 mph from a tee. Defensively, has a clean exchange. Long arm action from a ¾ to low ¾ slot. Throws flashed accuracy and were clocked at 74 mph across the infield. 4.54 home to first time.
Jack Elkin, SS/RHP, Niles West, 2018
5-foot-10, 165-pound, two-way player. Offensively, right-handed hitter, open setup, slight load, short stride, balance through contact. Line drive approach, path stays level, 80 mph exit velocity. Defensively, has a long, loose arm action from a high ¾ slot. Throws were clocked at 78 mph across the infield. 4.78 home to first runner. On the mound, right-handed pitcher, works with regular effort, lands open. Short arm action from a high ¾ angle. Fastball, works mostly straight, sat 72-73 mph. Curveball, 11/5 shape, 59-63 mph. Changeup, maintains arm speed, 66 mph.
Diego Gaines, 2B, Lake View, 2018
5-foot-8, 168-pound, right-handed hitting second baseman. Offensively, has some quick twitch, line drive approach, short path. Exit velocity registered at 77 mph from a tee. Tall setup with a short stride. Defensively, flashed soft hands, quick exchange, Short arm action from a high ¾ slot. Throws clocked at 75 mph across the infield. Ran a 4.39 home to first.
Nick Gilhaus, 1B/RHP, Normal Community, 2019
6-foot-2, 220-pound, wide shoulders, right-handed pitcher and first baseman. On the mound, works from a ¾ arm slot with long arm action. Tall and fall delivery, works on-line, lands square and finishes in an athletic position. Fastball sat at 80-83 mph, topped out at 84 mph. Curveball, 11/5 shape, sharp action, clocked at 67-68 mph. Changeup, thrown with near fastball arm speed, sinking action, clocked at 70-72 mph. Defensively, works from a high ¾ arm slot with long arm action. Clocked at 76 mph across the infield. Fields his position athletically. Offensively, balanced setup, wrap, bar load, short stride, lower half works, maintains balance through swing. Gap-to-gap hitter with pull power potential, short, level barrel path through the zone. Recorded an 87 mph exit velocity off a tee. Ran a 4.87 home to first.
Peter Gross, OF/1B, Antioch, 2018
6-foot-2, 195-pound, right-handed outfielder and first baseman. Offensively, wide setup, smooth load, short stride, fluid rhythm, maintains balance throughout. Line drive hitter, level barrel path, generates bat speed. Recorded a 90 mph exit velocity off a tee. Defensively works from a high ¾ arm slot, kept throws around the bag. Clocked at 75 mph from the outfield and 73 mph across the infield. Ran a 4.61 home to first.
Matthew Grubb, SS/RHP, Lakes Community, 2018
5-foot-10, 170-pound, two-way player. Offensively, right-handed hitter, wide setup, loads back, leg kick, long path. Exit velocity registered at 83 mph from a tee. Defensively, has a long arm action from an over the top slot. Throws flashed accuracy and carry, clocked at 84 mph across the infield. 4.43 home to first time. On the mound, right-handed pitcher with a three pitch mix. Uptempo delivery, works with some effort, stays in line, lands closed. Quick arm action from a high ¾ angle. Fastball, occasional arm side run, sat 81-82 mph. Curveball, sweep action, flashed sharp break, 71-73 mph. Changeup, maintains arm speed, sink action, 71-73 mph.
Nate Jacobson, OF/INF, Crystal Lake South, 2018
6-foot, 155-pound, athletic right-handed multi-positional prospect. Ran a 4.13 home to first. Defensively, from the infield, fields his position athletically, works from a high ¾ arm slot with a short, loose arm action, kept throws around the bag with some carry. Flashed soft hands, fluid footwork, quick and clean on exchanges. Clocked at 78 mph across the infield. From the outfield, works from a high ¾ arm slot with a short action. Plays through the ball, clocked at 84 mph from the outfield. Offensively, tall, open setup, long stride, fluid rhythm, aggressive approach. Barrel takes an uphill path through the zone, recorded an 82 mph exit velocity off a tee.
Brandon Kaihara, RHP/3B, Niles West, 2018
5-foot-11, 170-pound, two-way player. On the mound, right-handed pitcher, stays in line, lands square. Short arm action from a high ¾ angle. Fastball, slight arm side run, sat 71-72 mph. Curveball, 11/5 shape, gradual break, maintains arm speed, 54-55 mph. Changeup, flashed fade action, 61-63 mph. Offensively, right-handed hitter, open setup, short stride. Pull-side approach with a slightly uphill path. Exit velocity registered at 80 mph from a tee. Defensively, has a clean exchange, fields deep at times. Short arm action from high ¾ to ¾ slot. Throws flashed accuracy and were clocked at 73 mph across the diamond. 4.83 home to first runner.
Andrew Kurcz, 2B/RHP, Marian Central, 2018
6-foot-2, 155-pound, lanky, two-way prospect. Offensively, right-handed hitter, some looseness in swing, line drive approach, bat stays flat through the zone. Hits from a balanced setup, long stride. 71 mph exit velocity from a tee. Defensively, has a clean exchange, reliable hands. Long arm action from a high ¾ slot. Throws clocked at 78 mph across the diamond. 4.86 home to first runner. On the mound, right-handed pitcher with a three pitch feel. Easy effort, stays in line, lands square. Long, loose arm action from a high ¾ angle. Fastball, slight arm side run, sat 77-79 mph. Curveball, 11/5 shape, gradual break, 60-62 mph. Changeup, maintains arm speed, slight fade, 69-73 mph.
Tim La, SS/2B, Fenwick, 2018
5-foot-8, 160-pound, right-handed hitting infielder. Defensively, has quick footwork, clean exchange, some athletic actions. Short arm action from a high ¾ slot. Throws flashed accuracy and clocked at 80 mph across the infield. Offensively, open setup, leg lift stride. Pull-side approach, level bat path, 83 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.33 home to first time.
Matthew Langevin, RHP/2B, Warren, 2018
5-foot-6, 145-pound, two-way player. Offensively, left-handed hitter, crouched, open setup with a short stride, maintains balance through contact. Line drive, gap-to-gap approach with a short path through the zone. 78 mph exit velocity. Defensively, has a short arm action from a high ¾ to ¾ slot. Throws flashed accuracy and were clocked at 74 mph across the infield. 4.97 home to first runner. On the mound, right-handed pitcher, stays in line, lands square, some effort. Short arm action from a high 3/4. Fastball, works mostly straight, sat 78-79 mph. Curveball, has 11/5 shape, gradual action, 65-68 mph. Changeup, has feel, maintains arm speed, sink and fade action, 69-70 mph.
Bryce Mandala, 2B/SS, Grant, 2019
5-foot-9, 140-pound, lanky, athletic middle infielder. Defensively, arm slot varies between high ¾ and ¾, short arm action, kept throws around bag. Athletically plays through the ball, quick footwork, clean on exchanges, clocked at 74 mph across the infield. Offensively, open setup, bar load, leg kick stride. Pull hitter with gap-to-gap ability, short, level barrel path through the zone, recorded a 75 mph exit velocity off a tee. Ran a 4.72 home to first.
Marcus Maristela, INF/RHP, Grayslake Central, 2020
5-foot-5, 130-pound two-way prospect. Defensively, on the infield, quick, fluid footwork, plays well on the move, maintains body control, soft hands, clean transfer, occasionally packs on exchange, clean arm, 74 mph across the diamond. Offensively, open setup, short leg-lift timing trigger. Opposite field approach, path works uphill, 74 mph exit velocity from a tee. Ran a 4.60 home-to-first. On the mound, right-handed pitcher, two-pitch mix. Long arm, high ¾ window, delivery has some effort throughout, stays on-line and lands square. Fastball works mostly straight, 75-76 mph. Curveball, maintains arm speed, 11/5 shape, 64-67 mph.
Owen Martin, 3B/RHP, Normal University, 2018
6-foot, 185-pound, two-way prospect with a strong frame. Offensively, right-handed hitter, pull approach, level path, some power potential. Exit velocity registered at 88 mph from a tee. Open setup with a short stride. Defensively, quick footwork, clean exchange. Long, quick arm action from an over the top angle. Throws flashed accuracy and carry, clocked at 84 mph across the diamond. 4.76 home to first runner. On the mound, right-handed pitcher, uptempo, opens early, some effort. Short arm action from an over the top angle, above average arm speed. Fastball, works mostly straight, sat 80-81 mph. Curveball, 12/6 shape, maintains arm speed, flashed sharp action, 64-68 mph. Changeup, firm, flashed arm side run, 75-78 mph.
Max McCullogh, 3B, Warren, 2019
6-foot, 158-pound, lanky third baseman. Defensively, works from a high ¾ arm slot with loose, short arm action, kept throws around the bag. Clocked at 73 mph across the infield. Offensively, balanced, crouching setup, short stride. Gap-to-gap hitter, used the whole field, short barrel path through the zone,recorded a 77 mph exit velocity. Ran a 4.72 home to first.
Jeffrey Nielsen, C/INF, Lakes Community, 2019
5-foot-10, 171-pound, athletically built, multi-positional prospect. Ran home-to-first at 4.37. Offensively, right-handed hitter, strength through contact; exit velocity clocked at 94 mph from a tee. Balanced setup, drops hands on load, leg-kick timing trigger, long path and some rhythm throughout. Defensively, worked out on the infield and behind the plate. Short arm action, over-the-top slot, accurate arm clocked at 78 mph across the diamond and 71 mph from the crouch. Pop times ranged between 2.25-2.33.
Robert Ramirez, SS/2B, Carmel Catholic, 2018
5-foot-10, 160-pound, right-handed hitting middle infielder. Offensively, fluid rhythm, flashed bat speed, looseness in swing, path stays level through the zone. Exit velocity registered at 81 mph from a tee. Hits from a closed, balanced setup, leg lift timing trigger. Defensively, clean exchange, reliable hands. Long arm action,ability to throw from multiple angles. Throws clocked at 77 mph across the infield. 4.69 home to first runner.
Christian Ransom, OF/INF, T.F. North, 2019
5-foot-11, 155-pound, right-handed outfielder and infielder. Defensively, works from a high ¾ arm slot with long, firm arm action. Clocked at 75 mph from the outfield and 71 mph across the infield. Offensively, open setup, short stride, back load. Short barrel path through the zone, recorded a 71 mph exit velocity. Ran a 4.26 home to first.
Shawn Riley, RHP/3B, Grant, 2018
6-foot, 175-pound, two-way player with a strong, athletic build. On the mound, right-handed pitcher, works slightly across his body. Long arm action from a high ¾ angle. Fastball, works mostly straight, sat 78-79 mph. Curveball, has 12/6 shape, flashed sharp action, 65-67 mph. Forkball, thrown for strikes, sink and fade action, 66-68 mph. Offensively, right-handed hitter, easy bat speed, simple swing, hard contact, 91 mph exit velocity. Tall setup, short stride, long, uphill path. Defensively, has a clean exchange and reliable hands. Long arm action from an over the top to high ¾ angle. Throws clocked at 77 mph across the diamond. 4.63 home to first runner.
Ed Roncone Jr, 2B/RHP, Lakes Community, 2018
5-foot-9, 135-pound, two-way player with a thin frame. Defensively, athletic arm action from a high ¾ slot. Accurate throws clocked at 75 mph across the infield. Has a clean exchange and flashed fluid footwork. Offensively, right-handed hitter, tall setup, short stride. Line drive approach, long, level path, 73 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.59 home to first runner. On the mound, right-handed pitcher, some effort in delivery, stays in line. Long arm action from a high ¾ arm angle. Fastball, works mostly straight, sat 71-72 mph. Curveball, 12/6 shape, gradual action, 52-54 mph. Changeup, flashed sink, slows arm speed, 59-61 mph.
Sam Rossi, 3B, Grant, 2020
6-foot-1, 160-pound, lanky third baseman. Defensively, long arm action from a high ¾ slot, 66 mph across the infield. Offensively, right-handed hitter, wide setup, short stride, short barrel path, 73 mph exit velocity off a tee. Ran a 5.08 home to first.
Christian Scianna, SS/2B, Jacobs, 2019
5-foot-6, 145-pound, right-handed hitting second baseman. Offensively, flashed bat speed, hard contact, lift in swing. Recorded an exit velocity of 87 mph. Open setup with a leg lift timing trigger. Defensively, soft hands, fluid footwork, quick and clean exchange, athletic fielding position. Long arm action with the ability to throw from multiple angles. Throws flashed accuracy and were clocked at 80 mph across the diamond.
Jackson Smoko, 3B/RHP, Kenosha Bradford (WI), 2018
6-foot, 175-pound, two-way player. Offensively, right-handed hitter, tall, balanced setup, toe tap timing trigger. Pull-side approach, level path, 76 mph exit velocity. Defensively, flashed footwork, reliable hands. Short arm action from a ¾ slot. Throws had accuracy and were clocked at 74 mph across the diamond. 4.83 home to first runner. On the mound, right-handed pitcher, tall and fall delivery, lands closed, athletic finish. Short arm action from a high ¾ angle. Fastball, works mostly straight, sat 72-74 mph. Curveball, 11/5 shape, gradual break, 61 mph. Changeup, sink action, 63-68 mph.
Colin Spranger, 3B/RHP, Warren, 2018
6-foot-2, 155-pound, two-way player with a lanky frame. Offensively, right-handed hitter, open setup, long stride. Pull-side approach, long, uphill path. Recorded an 81 mph exit velocity. Defensively, has a short arm action from a high ¾ to ¾ slot. Throws flashed accuracy and were clocked at 73 mph across the infield. 5.01 home to first runner. On the mound, right-handed pitcher with projectability. In line direction, lands closed, some effort. Long arm action from a ¾ angle. Fastball, works mostly straight, sat 71-73 mph. Curveball, has 10/4 shape, keeps it down, 59 mph. Changeup, late sink action, tendency to slow arm, 64-65 mph.
Peter Turelli, SS/3B, Lake Forest, 2019
6-foot-3, 180-pound, athletic, left-handed hitting shortstop and third baseman. Defensively, works from a ¾ arm slot with long arm action, kept throws around the bag, clean on exchanges. 74 mph across the infield. Offensively, wide setup, short stride, maintains balance through swing. Short barrel path through the zone. Recorded an 83 mph exit velocity off a tee. Ran a 4.68 home to first.
Brett Winkel, 2B, Wauconda, 2019
5-foot-8, 135-pound, second baseman. Defensively, arm slot varied between over-the-top and high ¾, kept throws around the bag. Clocked at 69 mph across the infield. Offensively, balanced setup, low hands, leg kick stride. Uphill barrel path, recorded a 76 mph exit velocity off a tee. Ran a 4.52 home to first.
Tyler Yakimisky, 2B/RHP, Mundelein, 2019
6-foot-1, 155-pound, lanky right-handed pitcher and second baseman. On the mound, works between a high ¾ and ¾ arm slot with short, loose arm action. Tall and fall delivery, works on-line, lands open, finishes upright. Fastball flashed slight run, controlled the zone, clocked at 76-78 mph, topped out at 80 mph. Curveball, varied between a 12/6 and 11/5 shape, flashed sharp and gradual breaks, thrown with near fastball arm speed, controlled the zone, clocked at 62-65 mph. Changeup, thrown with near fastball arm speed, controlled the zone, clocked at 69-71. Showed feel for all three pitches. Defensively, works from a low ¾ arm slot with a short, loose arm action, kept throws around the bag. Clocked at 73 mph across the infield. Fields with soft hands, fluid footwork, clean on exchanges. Ran a 4.72 home to first. Offensively, crouching setup, short stride, maintains balance through swing. Level barrel path through the zone, recorded an 82 mph exit velocity off a tee.
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