The reactive strength index measurement of an athlete's explosiveness by comparing their jump height to the ground contact time in between their jumps. On a scale of 0-5.
Vertical Jump
A measure of any athlete's body strength and reach calculated from the flight time divided by the contact time.
The maximum speed, in the direction of home plate, that the wrist is traveling. Measured in meters per second (m/s)
Arm Slot
Angle of the forearm relative to the ground between maximum external rotation (MER) and ball release (BR). Which can be a powerful player comparison metric, delivered in degrees.
Knee Extension Velo
The angular velocity of the front knee straightening after foot plant, which provides indicators of velocity potential. Measured in degrees per second.
The amount of time that the ball is visible to the hitter, after the instant of front foot strike. Measures in milliseconds.
Hip-Shoulder Separation
The difference in angle of between the hips and shoulders, occurring close to the foot plant. Measured in degrees.
Body: 6-3, 213lbs, Larger frame. Higher waisted. Filled out build. Delivery: Exclusive from the stretch. Repeatable delivery. Belt high knee tuck. Present sit into backleg/hip. Works in-line with home. Still head. Shoulders above hips. Decent stride length (89% of body height). Average lead-leg block. Torso spins off to 3B side of mound. More east/west plane of rotation. Arm Action: Hand lead path. Slight stab in the back. Mild scap load. Average arm speed. Hides it well. Works to a lower ¾ slot. FB: 80-82 T83. Up/away tendency. Present ASR (15inch IHM avg). Lower release height. Avg. spin. CB: 63-65. Lower spin. Sweeper shape. Minimal depth. Feel for strikes (60% in-zone). SL: 73-75. Kills some spin (400rpm). Present fade. Minimal decrease in IVB. Increases extension. Feel for strikes (60% in-zone).
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Body: 6-3, 213lbs, Larger frame. Higher waisted. Filled out build. Delivery: Exclusive from the stretch. Repeatable delivery. Belt high knee tuck. Present sit into backleg/hip. Works in-line with home. Still head. Shoulders above hips. Decent stride length (89% of body height). Average lead-leg block. Torso spins off to 3B side of mound. More east/west plane of rotation.
Arm Action: Hand lead path. Slight stab in the back. Mild scap load. Average arm speed. Hides it well. Works to a lower ¾ slot.
FB: 80-82 T83. Up/away tendency. Present ASR (15inch IHM avg). Lower release height. Avg. spin.
CB: 63-65. Lower spin. Sweeper shape. Minimal depth. Feel for strikes (60% in-zone).
SL: 73-75. Kills some spin (400rpm). Present fade. Minimal decrease in IVB. Increases extension. Feel for strikes (60% in-zone).