Bremen (HS) • IN
6' 2" • 210LBS
R/R • 24yr 7mo
Travel Team: Indiana Prospects (16U Lasch)
6' 2" • 210LBS
R/R • 24yr 7mo
Travel Team: Indiana Prospects (16U Lasch)
2019 National
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7/25/17: Home to 1st: 4.78, Position Velocity: OF-84, Exit Velocity: 87
Big framed, 6-foot-2, 210 pound junior is physical in the batters box, using a small leg left to stay behind the baseball and generate above average bat speed. Starts slightly open, front foot lands slightly open and balanced, strong lower half throughout swing. Back leg stays connected and drives under the torso, staying stacked under the head to finish. Creates good separation and length in swing. Longer bat path, creates launch angle and extension through the swing. Gap to gap power with lift. Corner outfielder with big arm, long arm action to throw. Creates momentum with lower half crow hop, plays through the baseball.
7/16/16: Thick, durable, strong, right-handed pitcher. Long, loose and quick arm action from a high ¾ slot. Repeatable delivery, with rhythm, and stays on-line. Fastball, thrown for strikes, mostly straight action, sat 78-81 mph and touched 82. Flashed a breaking ball at 63-65 mph. 2019 arm to follow.
2/21/16: 6-foot-2, 190 pounder pitches from a long, high 3/4 arm action with above average arm speed. Good rhythm in a tall/fall delivery. Uphill shoulders. Fastball has slight run at 78-80, up to 82. Breaking ball has an 11/5 shape with gradual break at 64-66; good feel for the pitch. KN was 64-67. Good follow in 2019 class. FIELDING- Showcased average hands, at times hard, at 3B. Slow exchange, fields the ball deep. Hits from a crouch setup using a short stride; leg lift. Tends to dive during the stride. Average bat speed. Long ,uphill swing plane.
6/22/15: 6-foot-2, 190 pounds, ran a 7.30-60. In the field displayed average hands with slow footwork. Exchange was clean and plays through the baseball. Across the field was 68 mph. At the plate hits from a balanced setup. Stride is long and showed good balance. Possesses some bat speed with a long path to the baseball. Showcased pop to his pull-side. Rhythm is a little stiff. Recorded a high exit velocity of 81 mph. On the mound the right-hander pitches from a high ¾ slot with average arm speed. Long arm action. Shows some effort with some rhythm in the delivery. Level shoulders. Falls off towards the 1B side, lands open. Fastball was 78-79 with occasional run. Breaking ball shows gradual break, but erratic in the zone at 64-66.