The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Positional Profile: OF Body: 6-3, 175-pounds. - Long lanky frame Defense: Aggressive routes and footwork to the ball. Glove stays high to field Arm: R. OF - 82 mph. Average accuracy Hit: R. Starts square. Loads and dives closed. Bigger movements and aggressive swing. Wants to elevate. Inconsistent balance and barrel contact in round Power: 87 mph exit velocity from the tee. Run: 7.03 runner in the 60.
3/10/18- 5-foot-6, 117-pound right-handed hitting 2-way player. On mound; stretch only, crouched balance point, early hand break, longer draw on back side and arm works forward, lands across body finishing towards third base. Fastball was 58-60 mph with straight action to plate. Spinning curveball with small break and 11/5 shape. Changeup has straight action to plate. 5.32 home-to-first time. Wider stance, body load, flat swing plane, line drive approach, consistent solid contact, 64 mph exit velocity. Shows good skills with glove, works through ball, sure hands, quicker release, accurate to target, 64 mph arm strength from outfield.
Draft Reports
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Positional Profile: OF
Body: 6-3, 175-pounds. - Long lanky frame
Defense: Aggressive routes and footwork to the ball. Glove stays high to field
Arm: R. OF - 82 mph. Average accuracy
Hit: R. Starts square. Loads and dives closed. Bigger movements and aggressive swing. Wants to elevate. Inconsistent balance and barrel contact in round
Power: 87 mph exit velocity from the tee.
Run: 7.03 runner in the 60.
3/10/18- 5-foot-6, 117-pound right-handed hitting 2-way player. On mound; stretch only, crouched balance point, early hand break, longer draw on back side and arm works forward, lands across body finishing towards third base. Fastball was 58-60 mph with straight action to plate. Spinning curveball with small break and 11/5 shape. Changeup has straight action to plate. 5.32 home-to-first time. Wider stance, body load, flat swing plane, line drive approach, consistent solid contact, 64 mph exit velocity. Shows good skills with glove, works through ball, sure hands, quicker release, accurate to target, 64 mph arm strength from outfield.