Prep Baseball Report




Dutchess CC
Saunders Trade & Technical (HS) • NY
6' 0" • 150LBS
L/R • 24yr 5mo


2018 National

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2018 State

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NY State Open ID (January 31, 2016)
Jesse is a lean 6-foot-0 150 pound 3B/RHP who hits from the left side. He ran an 8.04 60 and a 4.38 home-to-1B. Offensively- Jesse starts slightly open with feet under his shoulders. Uses a barrel lift to an upright position with a slight leg kick for a stride. Engages his lower half with hands staying inside contact. Front knee locks out at contact, standing up up through his finish. Line drive results with some pull side pop. Exit velocity improved to 83 MPH. Defensively- Jesse has shown some improvement at the hot corner. He looks more comfortable with his footwork, showing the ability to create angles and redirect his motion after fielding. Stays down with a quick release. May want to incorporate more of a shuffle into his throws and takes some stress off the arm (uses a low slot) along with following his throw. Peak infield velocity was 78 MPH. Pitching- Jesse continues to impress on the mound. Delivery wise he works center rubber with knee high leg drive. Aggressive lead out to his landing, working up and over his front side. Back leg could be more active but was better then we've seen it. Fastball showed late sink at 78-79 MPH, touching 80 MPH. 2S fastball demonstrated some boring action towards RHH. Change up flashed some late fade with some arm side run, a legitimate secondary offering at 71-72 MPH. Curveball featured 12-6 action with an early hump to it. Shape is there, needs to be tightened up some. Starting to develop into a dual prospect as we've witnessed some improvement as a position player this past year.
Futures Games (July 2015)
Lanky build, long armed RHP/Corner INF. Below average speed but suitable corner INF arm (75 MPH) and an 81 MPH exit Velo. Projects better on the mound but did show power potential at the plate. Offensively- Jesse hits from an up right stance with weight distributed 50-50 and tilt from front shoulder to back shoulder. Maintains bat angle during load and controls weight shift swing to swing. Flashed some pull side pop both in BP and in game. Very easy effort into the zone with an elongated finish. Defensively- Jesse showed soft hands and an accurate arm. Stays a bit taller then most when in fielding position and tends to cut off his finish with a pitcher's follow through on throws. Below average speed & power potential will relegate him to a corner INF spot, possibly 1B over the long term. Pitching- On the mound is where Jesse looks the most comfortable. Has a slight kick out to the 3B side on way up to his balance point with a low set position at the belt with his hands. Long arm action with little resistance, working from a high 3/4 slot. Slight hesitation with lead leg into landing, possibly slowing momentum before contact to the ground. Would like to see a more aggressive finish over front side and with back leg lift. More in the tank here, look for Jesse to make that mid to upper 70's jump to the low 80's. Features a 1-7 breaking with tight spin and occasional early action.

Futures Showcase (February 28, 2015)
Romao stands a strong 5-foot-11, 170-pounds, with wide shoulders and room for growth. Offensively-  At the plate, from the left side, he shows good bat speed, and power.  Clocked an impressive (80mph) exit velocity.  Stance is closed and balanced.  Short stride and weight shift with the pitch.  Quick compact swing.  Stays inside the ball, with lift through contact.  Back side stays tall.  High Finish.  Next level hitter.  Pitching- On the mound he starts with his hands low, uses a side step to a a high swinging leg kick.  Hands are low at separation.  Throws over the top with good, quick arm action.  Needs to work on his back leg,  Loses extension and decelerates prematurely.  Has above average fb for his age (77). CB shows late break.  Fun to watch, velocity sure to rise in the future.

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