The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Home to First
The athlete's fastest home-to-first time in the given event year. Measured from bat-on-ball to foot-on-bag, in seconds (s).
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Physical: 5-foot-7, 132-pounds. Wiry, athletic frame. 7.38 runner in the 60; 4.65 home-to-1B. Offensively: LHH. Athletic stance; feet shoulder width apart; head does a good job staying down; toe taping for timing; hands stay back and level. Solid consistent contact; drives the ball everywhere; quick hands through the zone; short bat path. Middle/oppo approach; showed pop to pull-side gap. 74 MPH raw exit velocity. Defensively: Quick, smooth transfer; active feet to get the ball in position; fields it out front of the glove side foot; low line drive throws. 3/4 arm slot; long arm swing. OF - 74 MPH.
Pitching Delivery: Steady building pace with a fundamental, repeatable delivery. Arm Action: Long , clean arm action to a 3/4 release. FB: T76, 74-76 MPH. Locates around the zone with arm side tail. CB: 62-63 MPH. Locates in the zone with a sharp 12-6 break. CH: 68-69 MPH. Maintains hand speed with arm side fade.
A wiry 5-foot-7, 132 pounds. Pitching- The left handed pitcher displayed repeatable mechanics. Displayed a closed front side front a balanced backside. FB (75 MPH) as arm side run, CB has an early loopy break at 59-60 MPH. Showed feel for a CH 65-67 MPH. The 2022 graduate has an upside. As he continues to get stronger and develop he will be a good follow going forward.
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Physical: 5-foot-7, 132-pounds. Wiry, athletic frame. 7.38 runner in the 60; 4.65 home-to-1B.
Offensively: LHH. Athletic stance; feet shoulder width apart; head does a good job staying down; toe taping for timing; hands stay back and level. Solid consistent contact; drives the ball everywhere; quick hands through the zone; short bat path. Middle/oppo approach; showed pop to pull-side gap. 74 MPH raw exit velocity.
Defensively: Quick, smooth transfer; active feet to get the ball in position; fields it out front of the glove side foot; low line drive throws. 3/4 arm slot; long arm swing. OF - 74 MPH.
Pitching Delivery: Steady building pace with a fundamental, repeatable delivery.
Arm Action: Long , clean arm action to a 3/4 release.
FB: T76, 74-76 MPH. Locates around the zone with arm side tail.
CB: 62-63 MPH. Locates in the zone with a sharp 12-6 break.
CH: 68-69 MPH. Maintains hand speed with arm side fade.
A wiry 5-foot-7, 132 pounds. Pitching- The left handed pitcher displayed repeatable mechanics. Displayed a closed front side front a balanced backside. FB (75 MPH) as arm side run, CB has an early loopy break at 59-60 MPH. Showed feel for a CH 65-67 MPH. The 2022 graduate has an upside. As he continues to get stronger and develop he will be a good follow going forward.