THE FIVE: 2022 Infielders - Northern California
January 4, 2019

In today's final edition of THE FIVE (Northern CA), we highlight five 2022 infielders, each of whom is currently playing either shortstop or 2nd base. We often find teams' best athletes in the middle of the diamond and in regard to players this young, they are also often still pitchers. For those players, either the pitching or the hitting starts to separate from the other as the years go by.
Given the youth of these players, meaning they have yet to play a high school baseball game let alone a varsity high school game, they have a long way to go to prove themselves. But we do like where they are starting and look forward to seeing their development.
Please enjoy a look at FIVE 2022 infielders we took a liking to in 2018: Kenny Baltz, Jerame Davis, Nicholas Hart, Jared Mettam, and Jackson Vontz.