St. Louis Open: 2018-2019 Pitchers Analysis
March 12, 2018
On February 10, Prep Baseball Report - Missouri held the St. Louis Open at the Sports Barn in Wentzville, Missouri. Over 70 players attended in the 2021 to 2018 classes.
Players can now updated their profiles with a ProspectPlus subscription, while scouts and recruiters can add players on the ScoutPlus dashboard.
Player profiles have been updated with profile picture, running times, velocities, and videos. Today will take a closer look at the middle infielders from the event. Players are listed in alphabetical order below.
2018-2019 Pitchers
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Connor Daniel RHP / Francis Howell Central , MO / 2019Daniel is a 6-foot-6 185-pound right handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Lean and long limbed, Daniel comes from a high three quarters arm slot, keeps hands high in delivery, swings leg with slight rotation in balance point, lands slightly closed, fastball work 81-83 mph, some with downhill tilt, 12-to-6 curveball, 66-68 mph, can throw for a strike, occasionally sharp, change up at 68-71 mph, throws with near fastball arm speed, slight arm side sink. |
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Caleb Greenwood RHP / 3B / St. Charles West, MO / 2019Greenwood is a 5-foot-10 150-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Greenwood comes from a high three quarters arm slot, works in line down the mound, throws with some effort, some deception in tempo, fastball works 73-75 mph, breaking ball has 11-to-5 shape, late break, release same as fastball, change up at 65-66, throws with near fastball arms speed, late running action. |
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Clayton Guzdial OF / RHP / Westminster, MO / 2018Guzdial is a solid 6-foot 185-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2018 class. Guzdial comes from a high three quarters arm slot, smooth tempo to delivery, raises hands above head in wind up, stays in line with level shoulders, quick arm speed, fastball worked 83-87 mph, late two-seam action, heavy, 10-to-4 shape breaking ball, sweeping action, sharp break, 69-71 mph, change up shows late life with sinking action, 67-70 mph. |
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Angelo La Mantia RHP / SS / Webster Groves, MO / 2019La Mantia is a 6-foot 180-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. La Mantia has an over the top arm slot for fastball, throw two-seam fastball from lower slot, high leg lift, hands work with knee raise, works in line down the mound fastball works 77-80 mph, two seam running acton from lower slot, throws change up with near fastball arm speed, mostly 72-76 mph, breaking ball has 12-to-6 shape, 67-71 mph, change up at 72-76 mph, near fastball arm speed. |
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Frank Lopez RHP / SS / Fort Zumzalt South, MO / 2019Lopez is a strong and durable 6-foot-1 200-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Lopez comes from an over the top arm slot, loose arm action, controlled leg lift, accelerates in line down the mound, smooth tempo, fastball is heavy, thrown downhill, 85-89 mph, touched 90 mph, breaking ball has 11-to-5 shape, sharp and late break, can throw for strike, 72-73 mph, throws change up with fastball arm speed, 80-82 mph, controls for a strike, some with sink. |
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Aidan McGowan LHP / Valle Cathoilc , MO / 2019McGowan is a slender and lean 6-foot-2 176-pound left-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. McGowan hides ball well in set position out of stretch, has an over the top release, in line stride, simple and repeatable delivery with smooth tempo, fastball at 72-74 mph, breaking ball has 12-to-6 shape, lands for strike, 64-66 mph, throws change up down in the zone, slight late sink, near fastball arm speed, 66-67 mph. |
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Charlie Pratt RHP / 3B / Festus, MO / 2019Pratt is a 6-foot 156-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Pratt raises hand with leg lift, accelerates down the mound in line, high three quarters arm slot, showed feel on the mound and ability to throw three pitches for a strike, fastball at 71-73, occasional run, curveball has 12-to-6 shape, some sharp downward action and depth, down in zone, 63-66 mph, throws change up with fastball arm speed at 70-75 mph, arm side sink. |
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Mark Shallenberger 1B / LHP / St. Louis Priory, MO / 2019Shallenberger is a 6-foot-2 195-pound left-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Shallenberger has a clean delivery, shows the ability to repeat, athletic, over the top release, strike throw with feel for three pitches, fastball at 81-82, consistently down in zone with slight run, 12-to-6 breaking ball, down, has feel for change up with fastball arm speed, throws for a strike, arm side running action. |
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