The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Home to First
The athlete's fastest home-to-first time in the given event year. Measured from bat-on-ball to foot-on-bag, in seconds (s).
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Body: 6-0, 160-pounds. Lean and athletic frame with room to fill out.
Delivery: Uses a high leg lift and stands on the 3rd base side of the rubber. Sinks well into the rubber and pushes off hard. Finishes controlled and squared towards home at landing.
Arm Action: LH. Over the top arm slot. Shorter in the back. Controlled throughout the motion. Arm speeds up late.
FB: T77, 75-76 mph. Consistent tilt with some armside run.
CH: 65-69 mph. Straight change. Kept the same armspeed as FB
Hit: LHH. Slightly open and upright. Pre engaged with his backside. Low hand set up. Short and quick stroke with good barrel control. Middle of the field approach. Level swing path.
Power: 88 mph exit velocity from the tee. Line drive hitter that peppers the gaps. Average bat speed.
Arm: LH. OF - 85 mph. Longer but fast arm action out of the high ¾ slot. Sets up feet well under him to make accurate throws to the bag.
Defense: Takes good angles to the ball. Plays through the ball and is efficient and fluid in his movements.
Run: 7.21 runner in the 60.
IE Future Games Trials - Uncommitted. Inzunza was a steady performer the entire day seemingly catching the attention of our scouts with his actions. An athletic 5-foot-11, 150-pounds, Inzunza has plenty of projection. In the outfield he showed excellent footwork and a good understanding of angles. Played through balls while gathering out front and using minimum movements to get into throwing position. At the plate he shows a fluid, consistent stroke with the barrel. Starts with weight back and hands high. Attacks ball with his fast hands with feel for the barrel that allows him to create excellent angle when timing is right. On the mound he showed four pitches with command of two and strong feel for the others. Fastball shows sinking action from the southpaw while the curveball shows excellent depth with late breaking action. His cutter has a tendency to run to the arm side while the split-change is developing.
Draft Reports
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Positional Profile: OF/LHP
Body: 6-0, 160-pounds. Lean and athletic frame with room to fill out.
Delivery: Uses a high leg lift and stands on the 3rd base side of the rubber. Sinks well into the rubber and pushes off hard. Finishes controlled and squared towards home at landing.
Arm Action: LH. Over the top arm slot. Shorter in the back. Controlled throughout the motion. Arm speeds up late.
FB: T77, 75-76 mph. Consistent tilt with some armside run.
CH: 65-69 mph. Straight change. Kept the same armspeed as FB
Hit: LHH. Slightly open and upright. Pre engaged with his backside. Low hand set up. Short and quick stroke with good barrel control. Middle of the field approach. Level swing path.
Power: 88 mph exit velocity from the tee. Line drive hitter that peppers the gaps. Average bat speed.
Arm: LH. OF - 85 mph. Longer but fast arm action out of the high ¾ slot. Sets up feet well under him to make accurate throws to the bag.
Defense: Takes good angles to the ball. Plays through the ball and is efficient and fluid in his movements.
Run: 7.21 runner in the 60.
IE Future Games Trials - Uncommitted. Inzunza was a steady performer the entire day seemingly catching the attention of our scouts with his actions. An athletic 5-foot-11, 150-pounds, Inzunza has plenty of projection. In the outfield he showed excellent footwork and a good understanding of angles. Played through balls while gathering out front and using minimum movements to get into throwing position. At the plate he shows a fluid, consistent stroke with the barrel. Starts with weight back and hands high. Attacks ball with his fast hands with feel for the barrel that allows him to create excellent angle when timing is right. On the mound he showed four pitches with command of two and strong feel for the others. Fastball shows sinking action from the southpaw while the curveball shows excellent depth with late breaking action. His cutter has a tendency to run to the arm side while the split-change is developing.