Prep Baseball Report

Preseason All-State Spotlight: Nathan Salyer

Phil Kerber
PBR Florida/JUCO Wire

This Saturday will mark the first Georgia showcase of 2019, and it’s a significant one: Preseason All-State. An invite-only event for the state’s top prospects in the 2020, 2021, and 2022 classes. To request an invite, click here.

We’ll start ramping up to Saturday’s high-profile event by shining the spotlight onto some of the prospects who will be joining us at the showcase. We continue with lean, lanky 6-foot-4 catcher Nathan Salyer, from North Gwinnett. We got out first look at at Salyer back in September at the Ozone Sports Organizational Scout Day. He impressed with his overall athletic ability, posting some of the top numbers for a 2021 at the Scout Day. 

Scouting Report

9/15/2018- Ozone Sports Organizational Scout Day

Salyer is a tall wiry 2020 catching prospect.  At the plate he sets up upright with slightly open stance and creates good leverage with his swing. He shows the ability to elevate the baseball and just needs to weight and strength to his offensive game. Behind the plate Salyer does a solid job of folding up and staying low.  Getting unfolded causes him to be slower than you would like on throws to second-base. Salyer needs to get stronger to figure out just what kind of upside he has at the plate.  He has good ingredients at the plate, and believe he has upside if he gets stronger over the next couple years.