Top Prospect Games: Catchers and Corner Infield Analysis
July 24, 2018
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This week we take one final look at the the roster from our Top Prospect Games at the University of Maryland. We continue today with a full analysis of the catchers and corner infielders starting with our top performers.
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Christian Ficca C / 1B / Gonzaga College, VA / 2020Tall, athletic, lanky body type with a very projectable frame at 6-foot-3, 180 pounds. Hits from a tall, open stance and uses a small leg kick for rhythm in load. Short stride, good balance, stays behind the ball well, and uses his lower half. Slightly uphill swing path with some bat speed. Gap-to-gap type hitter with present pull-side power. Exit velo of 85 mph. Has a quiet body and soft hands receiving behind the dish. Athletic with good footwork and a quick, clean exchange. Shorter, loose arm actions throwing from a high three-quarters arm slot. Consistently accurate throws on pops ranging from 1.91 - 2.13. Some carry on throws with a position velo of 75 mph. Ran a 4.40 home-to-first. |
Noah Iseman 1B / 3B / Kent County, MD / 2021Big, solid body type with a strong lower half. Projectable 6-foot-1, 220 pound frame. Hits from a wider, balanced, open stance at the plate. Shorter, quick rock back load, really good lower half involvement and an exit velo of 84 mph. Excellent rhythm and balance at the plate. Quick bat speed and a short uphill swing path. Power type hitter, ball comes off the bat loud. Smooth swing and stays behind the ball. Moves well for size at first base. Showed good hands and solid footwork around the bag. Quick, clean exchange throwing with shorter arm actions from a low three-quarters slot. Has a tendency to wait back on the ball. |
Brandon M Bradshaw C / RHP / CH Flowers, MD / 2021Strong, athletic body type and 5-foot-8, 185 pound frame with room to grow. Hits from an athletic, balanced, open stance with feet closer together. Smooth rhythmic load creating good separation. Gets very good lower half involvement and showed quick bat speed with an exit velo of 85 mph. Shorter uphill swing path, stays behind the ball well and finishes tall. Gap-to-gap type hitter with present pop. Short arm actions throwing from a high three-quarters arm slot. Quiet body receiving behind the plate and good footwork. Quick, clean exchange on pops ranging 2.08 - 2.29. |
Tommy Fitzpatrick 1B / OF / Mt. Hebron, MD / 2019Tall, athletic, lanky body type with a projectable frame at 6-foot-2, 185 pounds. Hits from a taller, slightly open stance. Uses a big leg kick as rhythm in load. Gets nice separation with a slight arm bar. Short swing with a slightly uphill path. Quick hands, fast bat speed, and does a nice job with his lower half. Exit velo of 81 mph. Stays inside the ball well and can go oppo. Gap-to-gap type hitter with pull-side power. Soft hands and nice smooth actions around the bag at first. Clean exchange with a short arm action throwing from a high three-quarters slot on routine plays. Showed the ability to throw from various arm angles based on the type of play and which bag he is throwing to. Has a tendency to play on his heels at times and wait on the ball rather than playing through. Position velo of 74 mph. Ran a 4.50 home-to-first. |
Zachary Geesaman C / 3B / Atholton, MD / 2020Lankier 6 foot, 175 pound frame with room the fill out. Hits from a balanced, athletic, slightly crouched, and closed stance. Quick load and short stride. Does a nice job getting his lower half engaged. Has quick hands and a short slightly uphill swing path. Gap-to-gap type hitter with some pull side pop. Exit velo up to 94 mph. Showed good hands at third base and plays with active feet through the ball. Shorter arm action throwing from a low three-quarters slot at 76 mph. Taps glove during exchange. Behind the plate, Geesaman is a big target and really does a nice job of receiving. He is quiet and showed good footwork. Clean, quick exchange and accurate throws with some carry at 75 mph. Ran a 4.40 home-to-first. |
Lane Gay C / OF / Saint James, MD / 2019Solid 5-foot-11, 195 frame. Hits from a balanced, athletic, slightly open stance at the plate. Short, quick load with hands and uses a toe tap for timing. Explosive lower half movements, quick hands and fast bat speed. Exit velo was up to 91 mph. Gap-to-gap type hitter with some pull-side power. Down to level swing path. Quiet body and receives well behind the plate. Quick, clean exchange and accurate throws with pops ranging 2.00 - 2.11. Short arm actions throwing from a high three-quarters arm slot at 75 mph. Ran 4.22 home-to-first. |
Tyler Blittersdorf C John Carroll 2019
Solid body type and 5-foot-10, 195 pound frame. Hits from an athletic, slightly crouched stance at the plate. Uses a leg kick for fluid rhythm and timing. Short stride and explosive lower half movements. Quick hands and fast bat speed. Shorter, slightly uphill swing path with good extension past contact. Gap-to-gap type hitter with present pull-side power. Was quiet and receives the ball well behind the plate. Quick footwork and quick, clean exchange on throws. Pop times ranged 2.06 - 2.13. Throws with a short arm action from a high three-quarters arm slot. Was accurate and consistent on throws down to second. Ran a 4.13 home-to-first from the left side.
Austin Brown 1B La Plata 2019
Big 6-foot-1, 230 pound frame. Hits from a balanced, slightly open, wider base stance. Shorter, smooth back load and replaces front foot with short stride. Showed some lower half involvement and bat speed in swing. Exit velo up to 87 mph. Uphill swing path with power to the pull side. Gets in a balanced fielding position at first base and showed good hands. Longer arm action throwing from a low three-quarters arm slot.
Bobby Duffy 3B North Harford 2020
Solid compact body type and 5-foot-11, 190 pound frame. Hits from a balanced, slightly crouched, open stance. Smooth back load with a short uphill swing path. Explosive lower half involvement, quick hands, and fast bat speed. Gets really good extension through contact and stays behind the ball well. High finish and exit velo of 87 mph. Gap-to-gap type hitter with present pull side power. Plays through the ball in the infield with good hands. Showed the ability to really pick it. Glove tap in exchange. Throws with shorter arm actions at a high three-quarters slot at 81 mph. Ran a 4.03 home-to-first.
John Galant 3B John Carroll 2019
6’0’’, 170 pound frame with room to grow and fill out. Hits from a tall, open stance. Very quick, minimal load. Hands are almost prepositioned in load position. Stays behind the ball well and shows some bat speed and lower half movements. Line drive type hitter with a level swing path. 79 mph exit velo. Showed good hands at third base and plays through the ball with active feet. Quick, clean exchange throwing with short arm actions from a lower three-quarters slot at 79 mph. Ran a 4.22 home-to-first.
Solid 6-foot-1, 200 pound frame with a strong lower half. Hits from a balanced, athletic, slightly closed stance at the plate. Shorter back load and average stride length. Explosive lower half movements. Quick bat speed and slightly uphill swing path, exit velo 91 mph. Sways his body behind the dish receiving. Quick footwork and stays low during exchange. Quick, clean exchanges with pop times ranging 2.03 - 2.18 at 71 mph.
Jeremy Huffman 3B Long Reach 2019
Solid 5-foot-8, 200 pound frame with a strong lower half. Hits from a taller, balanced, slightly open stance. Rhythmic hand load and inverted knee load with short stride. Generates good lower half involvement and showed quick bat speed with an exit velo of 79 mph. Level swing path and finishes tall. Gap-to-gap type hitter with some power. Nice fielding actions at third base. Plays through the ball with good hands and fluid footwork. Quick, clean exchange, shorter arm actions, and throws from a lower three-quarters arm slot at 81 mph.
Ben Nardi OF/1B Winston Churchill 2019
Big, solid 6-foot-1, 195 pound frame. Hits from an athletic, balanced, open stance. Uses a big leg kick and some hand/bat movement in load for rhythm and timing. Gets nice separation and has an explosive lower half. Quick hands, fast bat speed, and stays behind the ball well. Short uphill swing path with an exit velo of 90 mph. Gap-to-gap type hitter with present pull side power. Shorter arm actions and throws from a low three-quarters slot at 76 form the infield. Athletic set up in the infield and good hands. Does a nice job with his footwork around the bag and turning the double play. Has a tendency to pat his glove during exchange. Ran a 4.26 home-to-first.
Athletic lanky 6 foot, 160 pound body type and frame with room to grow and fill out. Hits from an athletic, balanced, slightly open stance at the plate. Smooth back load with a small leg kick. Showed some lower half involvement and bat speed. Shorter, slight uphill swing path with an exit velo of 83 mph. Gap-to-gap type hitter with occasional pop. Quiet body receiving behind the plate. Athletic, quick footwork and exchange on pops ranging 1.97 - 2.22. Consistently accurate throws down to second base at 73 mph. Ran a 4.25 home-to-first.
Alex Seidleck 3B Indian Creek 2021
Athletic, lanky 6-foot-1, 175 pound body type and frame. Moves well at third base and plays through the ball. Showed good hands with a slight glove tap in exchange. Shorter arm actions throwing from a low three-quarters arm slot.
Jack Silder 1B DeMatha 2019
Big 6-foot-3, 235 pound frame. Hits from a balanced, slightly open stance at the plate. Rhythmic load with a small leg kick. Quick bat speed and some lower half involvement. Exit velo 83 mph. Short uphill swing path with present pull side power. More power projected with more lower half involvement. Gets in a good athletic fielding position and plays through the ball in the infield. Showed good hands and footwork around the bag at first. Quick, clean echange with shorter arm actions throwing from a low three-quarters arm slot.
Bigger 6-foot-2, 218 pound body and frame. Hits from a taller open stance. Rock back load and high leg kick for rhythm and timing. Gets good separation and showed some lower half involvement and bat speed. Level swing path with a 92 mph exit velo. Gap-to-gap type hitter with some pull-side power. Showed good hands at third base and has a longer arm action throwing from a lower three-quarters arm slot at 83 mph. Has a tendency to tap glove during exchange.
Big, strong 6-foot-1, 190 pound body and frame. Hits from a preloaded, athletic, and balanced open stance. Longer stride with nice extension through contact. Good lower half involvement and bat speed with an exit velo of 85 mph. Short, slightly uphill swing path. Gap-to-gap type hitter with present pop in the bat. Plays through the ball well at first base. Athletic, balanced fielding position, good hands, and a quick, clean exchange on double play balls. Shorter arm actions throwing from a low three-quarters arm slot.