The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Outfield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an outfield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
A fastball with hop has a flat approach angle and visually jumps through the zone. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher swing and miss average. Hop+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with sink has low backspin and drops through the strike zone. When thrown down in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher ground ball percentage and lower launch angle. Sink+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with rise has a high percentage of backspin. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher fly ball percentage. Rise+ of 100 is MLB average
A hammer breaking ball drops vertically with velocity through the zone, or 12-to-6 movement. Hammer+ of 100 is MLB average.
A sweeping breaking ball moves horizontally with velocity through the zone. Sweep+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with hop has a flat approach angle and visually jumps through the zone. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher swing and miss average. Hop+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with sink has low backspin and drops through the strike zone. When thrown down in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher ground ball percentage and lower launch angle. Sink+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with rise has a high percentage of backspin. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher fly ball percentage. Rise+ of 100 is MLB average
A hammer breaking ball drops vertically with velocity through the zone, or 12-to-6 movement. Hammer+ of 100 is MLB average.
A sweeping breaking ball moves horizontally with velocity through the zone. Sweep+ of 100 is MLB average.
The reactive strength index measurement of an athlete's explosiveness by comparing their jump height to the ground contact time in between their jumps. On a scale of 0-5.
Vertical Jump
A measure of any athlete's body strength and reach calculated from the flight time divided by the contact time.
10 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 0-10-yard split time in the given event year. Measured in seconds.
30 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 0-30-yard split time in the given event year. Measured in seconds.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 0-60-yard time in the given event year. Measured in seconds.
Top Speed (MPH)
The athlete's fastest split time converted to miles per hour.
The reactive strength index measurement of an athlete's explosiveness by comparing their jump height to the ground contact time in between their jumps. On a scale of 0-5.
Vertical Jump
A measure of any athlete's body strength and reach calculated from the flight time divided by the contact time.
Will Paxton, Highland (CA), 2024 St. Peters Positional Profile: OF/RHP Paxton has consistently shown his efficacy at the plate and on the mound. Body: 6-0, 182-pounds. Strong base. Powerful and athletic frame. Delivery: High leg kick, lets momentum carry his motion down the hill. Steps across his body. Arm Action: RH. Compact and efficient arm path. FB: T87, 83-86 mph. Located in the zone consistently. Sequenced well with his other pitches. T2292, 2116 average rpm. SL: 73-75 mph. Horizontal movement, gets good sweep to the outside corner. Got it for strikes and chase pitches. T2093, 2041 average rpm. ATH: 7.35 runner in the 60. 22.70 max vertical.
Will Paxton, Highland (CA), 2024 St. Peters Positional Profile: OF/RHP Paxton has consistently shown his efficacy at the plate and on the mound. Body: 6-0, 182-pounds. Strong base. Powerful and athletic frame. Hit: RHH. Relaxed narrow stance, bat rests on the shoulder. Whole body moves forward to the point of contact. Longer stride. 73.6 mph bat speed with 28 G's of rotational acceleration. Power: 102 max exit velocity, averaged 84.9 mph. 346' max distance. Arm: RH. OF-88 mph. Accurate arm, throws on the line. Defense: Made good reactions and adjustments to set up for a throw. ATH: 7.35 runner in the 60. 22.70 max vertical.
Will Paxton, Highland (CA), 2024 Positional Profile: OF/RHP Paxton has shown the ability to hit the ball hard consistently. He also possesses some intrigue on the mound. Body: 5-11, 184-pounds. Stocky build. Delivery: Kicks leg out horizontally into his leg kick and then loads heavy onto his back leg. Arm Action: RH. Short arm action. Releases from a 2:30 slot. FB: T85, 81-85 mph. Fastball has good side to side movement and gets down in the zone. T2115, 2031 average rpm. CB: 69-72 mph. Both his CB and SL have similar vertical drop, the CB is more 1-7 T2178, 2041 average rpm. SL: 69-69 mph. Good sweep, able to solicit chases when placed out of the zone. T2055, 2055 average rpm. ATH: 7.41 runner in the 60. 1.77 and 4.08 in the 10 and 30 yard splits.
Will Paxton, Highland (CA), 2024 Positional Profile: OF/RHP Paxton has shown the ability to hit the ball hard consistently. He also possesses some intrigue on the mound. Body: 5-11, 184-pounds. Stocky build. Hit: RHH. Upright stance, bat resting on the shoulder. Bat drops and remains vertical going into the swing. Hard contact up the middle. 70.5 mph bat speed with 28 G’s of rotational acceleration. Power: 94 max exit velocity, averaged 85.7 mph. 290' max distance. Arm: RH. OF-89 mph. Smooth arm motion. Has some arm side run on throws. Defense: Remains balanced and patient when fielding GB in the outfield. ATH: 7.41 runner in the 60. 1.77 and 4.08 in the 10 and 30 yard splits.
Positional Profile: OF/2B Body: 6-0, 182-pounds. Proportional build. Present lower half strength. Average swift athletic testing metrics. 10yd- 1.79, 30yd - 4.28, 60yd - 7.90 , RSI - 2.64, VERT - 26.4 Hits: RHH. Relaxed stance with open set feet and bat rested on shoulder. Early loader. Rocks into backside with a leg lift trigger. Hands push back and down into a lower launch position. Some drift into contact corrected by a kickback of backleg. Flatter path. More GBs than LDs/FBs during BP round, the result of some rollover out front. Advanced bat speed and rotational acceleration via blast. Consistent out front contact with every ball being put down the left field line. Flashed pullside HR power. Arm: RH. OF - 85 mph. 3 mph increase since October. Loose arm. Full action. 4/5 lower arcing on-a-line throws. Defense: Smooth approach. Around and through. Fields cleanly without breaking momentum. Smooth transition into crowhop. Corner OF projection.
Positional Profile: OF/2B Body: 6-0, 182-pounds. Medium frame. Average build. Present lower half strength. Average swift athletic testing metrics. Hits: RHH. Relaxed stance. Narrow feet with bat rested on shoulder. Loads slow/early. Slight sway into backside as hands walk away from body. Uses a smaller leg lift trigger. Flat path through the zone. More GBs than LDs/FBs during BP round. Above avg. hand/bat speed. Turns tight and bat accelerates early (22gs avg. rotational acceleration). Small scissor with back leg. Pullside approach. Consistent out front contact. Slight drift into contact. 3 barrels during gameplay. Consistent on-time with FB. Arm: RH. INF - 80 mph. OF - 82 mph. Avg. strength/accuracy. Similiar action from both spots. Loose with a smaller circle in the back. OF throws were lower arcing. Defense: Solid fundamentals from both spots. Relaxed approach in the OF. Average quickness to release. Glove/body works down late. Quick exchange that allows him to work quick to release. Soft hands in the INF. Gets a bit into knees. Avg. foot speed/quickness.
Draft Reports
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Positional Profile: OF/RHP Paxton has consistently shown his efficacy at the plate and on the mound.
Body: 6-0, 182-pounds. Strong base. Powerful and athletic frame.
Delivery: High leg kick, lets momentum carry his motion down the hill. Steps across his body.
Arm Action: RH. Compact and efficient arm path.
FB: T87, 83-86 mph. Located in the zone consistently. Sequenced well with his other pitches. T2292, 2116 average rpm.
SL: 73-75 mph. Horizontal movement, gets good sweep to the outside corner. Got it for strikes and chase pitches. T2093, 2041 average rpm.
ATH: 7.35 runner in the 60. 22.70 max vertical.
Positional Profile: OF/RHP Paxton has consistently shown his efficacy at the plate and on the mound.
Body: 6-0, 182-pounds. Strong base. Powerful and athletic frame.
Hit: RHH. Relaxed narrow stance, bat rests on the shoulder. Whole body moves forward to the point of contact. Longer stride. 73.6 mph bat speed with 28 G's of rotational acceleration.
Power: 102 max exit velocity, averaged 84.9 mph. 346' max distance.
Arm: RH. OF-88 mph. Accurate arm, throws on the line.
Defense: Made good reactions and adjustments to set up for a throw.
ATH: 7.35 runner in the 60. 22.70 max vertical.
Will Paxton, Highland (CA), 2024
Positional Profile: OF/RHP Paxton has shown the ability to hit the ball hard consistently. He also possesses some intrigue on the mound.
Body: 5-11, 184-pounds. Stocky build.
Delivery: Kicks leg out horizontally into his leg kick and then loads heavy onto his back leg.
Arm Action: RH. Short arm action. Releases from a 2:30 slot.
FB: T85, 81-85 mph. Fastball has good side to side movement and gets down in the zone. T2115, 2031 average rpm.
CB: 69-72 mph. Both his CB and SL have similar vertical drop, the CB is more 1-7 T2178, 2041 average rpm.
SL: 69-69 mph. Good sweep, able to solicit chases when placed out of the zone. T2055, 2055 average rpm.
ATH: 7.41 runner in the 60. 1.77 and 4.08 in the 10 and 30 yard splits.
Will Paxton, Highland (CA), 2024
Positional Profile: OF/RHP Paxton has shown the ability to hit the ball hard consistently. He also possesses some intrigue on the mound.
Body: 5-11, 184-pounds. Stocky build.
Hit: RHH. Upright stance, bat resting on the shoulder. Bat drops and remains vertical going into the swing. Hard contact up the middle. 70.5 mph bat speed with 28 G’s of rotational acceleration.
Power: 94 max exit velocity, averaged 85.7 mph. 290' max distance.
Arm: RH. OF-89 mph. Smooth arm motion. Has some arm side run on throws.
Defense: Remains balanced and patient when fielding GB in the outfield.
ATH: 7.41 runner in the 60. 1.77 and 4.08 in the 10 and 30 yard splits.
Positional Profile: OF/2B
Body: 6-0, 182-pounds. Proportional build. Present lower half strength. Average swift athletic testing metrics. 10yd- 1.79, 30yd - 4.28, 60yd - 7.90 , RSI - 2.64, VERT - 26.4
Hits: RHH. Relaxed stance with open set feet and bat rested on shoulder. Early loader. Rocks into backside with a leg lift trigger. Hands push back and down into a lower launch position. Some drift into contact corrected by a kickback of backleg. Flatter path. More GBs than LDs/FBs during BP round, the result of some rollover out front. Advanced bat speed and rotational acceleration via blast. Consistent out front contact with every ball being put down the left field line. Flashed pullside HR power.
Arm: RH. OF - 85 mph. 3 mph increase since October. Loose arm. Full action. 4/5 lower arcing on-a-line throws.
Defense: Smooth approach. Around and through. Fields cleanly without breaking momentum. Smooth transition into crowhop. Corner OF projection.
Positional Profile: OF/2B
Body: 6-0, 182-pounds. Medium frame. Average build. Present lower half strength. Average swift athletic testing metrics.
Hits: RHH. Relaxed stance. Narrow feet with bat rested on shoulder. Loads slow/early. Slight sway into backside as hands walk away from body. Uses a smaller leg lift trigger. Flat path through the zone. More GBs than LDs/FBs during BP round. Above avg. hand/bat speed. Turns tight and bat accelerates early (22gs avg. rotational acceleration). Small scissor with back leg. Pullside approach. Consistent out front contact. Slight drift into contact. 3 barrels during gameplay. Consistent on-time with FB.
Arm: RH. INF - 80 mph. OF - 82 mph. Avg. strength/accuracy. Similiar action from both spots. Loose with a smaller circle in the back. OF throws were lower arcing.
Defense: Solid fundamentals from both spots. Relaxed approach in the OF. Average quickness to release. Glove/body works down late. Quick exchange that allows him to work quick to release. Soft hands in the INF. Gets a bit into knees. Avg. foot speed/quickness.