Cleveland State CC recruit. 6-foot-1, 170 pounds. Crabtree got the win on the mound, going 3 IP, 1 H, 5 K, 0 BB, 0 R. Nice job of pounding the zone and challenging hitter all night. FB sat 82-83, mostly straight. Curveball came from a slightly decelerated arm, but threw it in all counts, with confidence; 68-73 with loopy break. Showed changeup to left-handed hitters at 77; pulled the string a couple times get chases out of the zone.
6-foot-1 170 pounds. The wiry Crabtree made a relief appearance for 643 and immediately went to using a 3 pitch mix. He worked backwards using a breaking ball (65-67) and a very good fading Change (67-68) to compliment his low 80s fastball. Crabtree mechanically is a lot of arm whip from a 3/4 slot right now and a more efficient lower half could lead to jumps in velocity once it becomes more engaged and profound mechanically.
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Cleveland State CC recruit. 6-foot-1, 170 pounds. Crabtree got the win on the mound, going 3 IP, 1 H, 5 K, 0 BB, 0 R. Nice job of pounding the zone and challenging hitter all night. FB sat 82-83, mostly straight. Curveball came from a slightly decelerated arm, but threw it in all counts, with confidence; 68-73 with loopy break. Showed changeup to left-handed hitters at 77; pulled the string a couple times get chases out of the zone.
6-foot-1 170 pounds. The wiry Crabtree made a relief appearance for 643 and immediately went to using a 3 pitch mix. He worked backwards using a breaking ball (65-67) and a very good fading Change (67-68) to compliment his low 80s fastball. Crabtree mechanically is a lot of arm whip from a 3/4 slot right now and a more efficient lower half could lead to jumps in velocity once it becomes more engaged and profound mechanically.