1.22.17 - 6-foot, 170-pound left-handed hitting OF/LHP. Defensively has a long arm action from a high ¾ slot. Online throws with a clean exchange. Threw 78 mph from the outfield. At the plate hits from a balanced setup with a short stride and average balance. Line drive, opposite field hitter with a short swing path. 82 mph exit velocity from a tee. Ran the 60 at 7.47. On the mound works from a high ¾ arm angle with a long arm action. Tall and fall, slow paced delivery working in line with home plate. Fastball was straight at 73-74, topping out at 75 mph. Curveball has 12-6 shape with gradual action at 59-62 mph. Changeup sat 57-61 mph.
Millikin University
Mount Carmel (HS) • IL
6' 0" • 170LBS
L/L • 26yr 3mo
Travel Team: Elite Baseball Training
Mount Carmel (HS) • IL
6' 0" • 170LBS
L/L • 26yr 3mo
Travel Team: Elite Baseball Training
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- Preseason Power 25 Countdown: No. 7 Mount Carmel - Mar 13, 2017
- Unsigned Senior Showcase: Pitcher Analysis - Feb 9, 2017
- Unsigned Senior Showcase: Outfield Analysis - Feb 7, 2017
- Underclass Invitational: Outfield Analysis - Feb 10, 2015
- Future Prospects Showcase and Educational Camp: Pitching Analysis - Mar 20, 2013
- Future Prospects Showcase and Educational Camp: Positional Analysis - Mar 19, 2013
1.18.15 - 5-foot-11, 155-pound lanky, left-handed hitting outfielder hits from a crouched setup, hands load smoothly, short stride, up the middle approach during batting batting practice, short, level bat path, feel for the barrel, 74 mph exit velocity off the tee. Defensively, threw 73 mph from the outfield from long, high ¾ arm slot with accuracy. Ran a 7.65 60. On the mound fastball sat 66-70 mph from long, high ¾ arm slot, tall/fall delivery, smooth rhythm throughout delivery, level shoulders, stride direction stays in line with home plate. Also threw a 56-60 mph curveball with 1/7 shape, and a 61-63 mph changeup with cutting action.
3/10/13 - 5-foot-8, 126-pound left handed two way player. Shows solid infield actions at first base, fields the baseball athletically and out in front. Shows soft hands, footwork works well, clean exchange. Offensively hits from a balanced stance, short stride. Bat path shows length, 68 mph exit velocity from the tee. On the mound works from a high ¾ arm slot. Fastball has occasional sink, showed control, 59-63 mph. Curveball has gradual bend, 48-53 mph. Changeup cuts, 50-52 mph.
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