GPA Games: Outfielder Analysis
September 12, 2016
By Drew Locascio
Illinois Scouting Director
The GPA Games held at brand new Rocky and Bernice Miller Park at Northwestern University in Evanston, IL spanned the course of two days, Friday August 12 – Saturday, August 13. The roster was broken into six teams, three of which reported on August 12, the other three reported on August 13. Each day consisted of position player workouts in the morning, with game play in the afternoon.
Following the event the PBR scouting staff compiled all of the notes from the two days. Over the next week we will be breaking down the event position by position, today looking at the outfielders.
Below is a list of the top five outfielders from the GPA Games.
Top Outfield Prospects
1. Drew Hunniford, OF, Providence Catholic, 2017
5-foot-10, 170-pound left-handed hitting outfielder. At the plate hits from an open stance with a deep load to backside. Leg kick stride with good balance. Pull hitter with fluid rhythm and a good approach at the plate. Showed strength thru contact with 88 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.29 runner down the line. Defensively has a short arm action from an over the top slot. Accurate throws with carry, clocked at 83 mph from the outfield. Athletic actions, plays thru the baseball.
2. John LaMantia, OF, St. Ignatius, 2017
6-foot-3, 190-pound left-handed hitting outfielder with a strong frame. At the plate hits from a tall, balanced setup with a leg kick stride and good balance. Line drive hitter with fluid rhythm and a level swing path. Showed strength thru contact with 90 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.51 runner down the line. Defensively has a long arm action from an over the top arm slot. Plays thru the ball with a long exchange and full crow hop. Clocked at 80 mph from the outfield.
3. Jarrett Scheelk, OF, Green Bay Preble (WI), 2017
6-foot-1, 170-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. At the plate hits from a tall, open stance with a long, leg kick stride. Uphill path with loose hands creating whip. Showed strength thru contact with 88 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.25 runner down the line. Defensively has a short arm action from an over the top slot. Accurate throws flashed carry at 80 mph from the outfield. Plays thru the ball with athletic actions and quick footwork.
4. Thomas Larson, OF, Families of Faith Christian Academy, 2017
6-foot-1, 190-pound right-handed hitting outfielder with a strong frame. Defensively has a long arm action from a high ¾ slot. Plays thru the ball with fluid footwork and a clean exchange. Throws showed carry and clocked at 88 mph from the outfield. At the plate hits from a balanced setup with a short stride and good balance. Line drive, gap to gap hitter with fluid rhythm and a fast bat. Showed strength thru contact with 93 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.41 runner down the line.
5. Pierce Blohowiak, C/OF, Xavier (WI), 2018
5-foot-11, 165-pound catcher/outfielder, athletic shape with good foot speed. 4.26 runner down the line. Defensively arm is loose, over the top slot, occasional carry, 84 mph from the outfield, 67 mph out of the crouch. Pop times ranged 2.17-2.26. Showed ability to block, above average footwork in the outfield. Right-handed hitter, balanced stance, short stride. Handsy simple line drive approach. 88 mph exit velocity from the tee.
Best of the Rest (Listed Alphabetically)
Kevin Barry, OF, South Elgin, 2017
6-foot-1, 195-pound left-handed hitting outfielder. At the plate hits from a balanced, open stance with a leg kick stride. Uphill swing path, showed strength thru contact with 83 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.50 runner down the line. Defensively has a long arm action from a high ¾ arm slot. Plays thru the ball with a clean exchange. Throws showed carry throwing 82 mph from the outfield.
Tommy Benson, SS/RHP/OF, Andrean (IN), 2018
5-foot-11, 150-pound switch hitting utility player. From the left side hits from an upright, slightly open stance with a low hand set. Line drive hitter with a short stride. 74 mph exit velocity left-handed. Form the right side showed more pop with 86 mph exit velocity from a tee. 5.33 runner down the line. Defensively has a long arm action from a ¾ slot. Throws showed carry from the outfield at 87 mph. In the infield showed solid actions with a loose arm action. Threw 84 mph across the infield. On the mound works from a ¾ arm angle with a short, loose arm action. Drop and drive delivery with a collapse on the backside. Fastball showed running action at 85-86 mph. Curveball has sweeping action at 65-69 mph.
Kyle Caponi, OF, New Trier, 2018
5-foot-8, 145-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. At the plate hits from a balanced setup with quick leg lift trigger. Line drive hitter with a level swing path and good balance. 77 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.60 runner down the line. Defensively has a long arm action from a high ¾ slot. Plays thru the ball with a long exchange. Threw 69 mph from the outfield.
Tommy Carlsen, OF, Naperville Central, 2018
6-foot, 180-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. At the plate hits from a wide base with a short stride and average balance. Line drive hitter with a fast bat. 79 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.55 runner down the line. Defensively has a short arm action from a high ¾ slot. Plays thru the ball with quick footwork. Threw 74 mph from the outfield.
Will Connors, OF/RHP, Waunakee (WI), 2018
5-foot-11, 200-pound right-handed hitting OF/RHP. Defensively has a short arm action from an over the top slot. Accurate throws, throwing 80 mph from the outfield. Clean exchange with slower actions. At the plate hits from a balanced setup with a short stride. Opposite field hitter with an uphill swing path. 82 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.68 runner down the line. On the mound works from an over the top slot with a short arm action. Tall and fall delivery with a short stride. Works in line with home plate. Fastball sat 75-77 topping out at 78 mph. Slider has 10-4 shape with loose rotation at 67-68 mph. Changeup sat 74 mph. Worked one clean inning in game.
Christian Dearman, OF, Marian Catholic, 2018
6-foot, 155-pound right-handed hitting outfielder with an athletic frame. Offensively hits from a balanced setup with a short leg lift stride and good balance. Short path with extension thru contact. Fluid rhythm with a fast bat. 80 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.61 runner down the line. Defensively has a short arm action from a high ¾ arm slot. Plays fast with a quick exchange and wild actions. Threw 74 mph from the outfield.
Adam Fleck, OF, Westmont, 2017
5-foot-10, 145-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. Defensively has a short, loose arm action from an over the top slot. Accurate throws, throwing 75 mph from the outfield. Plays thru the ball with a clean exchange. At the plate hits form a crouched, slightly open stance. Short stride with a long swing path. 75 mph exit velocity from a tee. 5.00 runner down the line.
Andrew Golde, OF/LHP, Lake Forest, 2018
5-foot-10, right-handed hitting OF/LHP. Defensively has a short arm action from a high ¾ arm slot. Plays thru the ball with a quick exchange. Accurate throws, threw 81 mph from the outfield. At the plate hits from a tall, open stance. Drop load with a long stride. Uphill path with fluid rhythm. 80 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.44 runner down the line. On the mound works form a ¾ arm angle with a short arm action and slight stab on the backside. Drop and drive delivery working in line with home plate. Fastball showed running action at 75-77 topping out at 78 mph. Slider has 2-8 shape with loose rotation working up in the zone at 63-66 mph. Changeup has fading action at 68-70 mph.
Justin Knodl, LHP/OF, Germantown (WI), 2018
5-foot-10, 143-pound left-handed hitting LHP/OF. On the mound works from a high ¾ arm angle with a long, loose arm action. Tall and fall delivery, works in line with home plate. Fastball is straight at 74-75 topping out at 76 mph for strikes. Curveball has sweeping action at 63-65 mph for strikes. Maintains arm speed on changeup that showed slight fading action at 61-65 mph. Defensively has a long arm action from a high ¾ arm slot. Accurate throws with carry. Athletic actions, plays thru the ball with soft hands. Threw 77 mph from the outfield. At the plate hits from a balanced, open stance with a leg lift stride and average balance. Opposite field hitter with a long swing path. 82 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.51 runner down the line.
Jimmy Laurenti, OF/SS, Aurora Central Catholic, 2017
6-foot-1, 185-pound right-handed hitting OF/SS. At the plate hits from a balanced setup with minimal load and stride. Long, level swing path. 75 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.62 runner down the line. In the outfield has a long arm action from an over the top slot. Threw 74 mph from the outfield. In the infield has a short arm action with a quick transfer. Threw 73 mph across the diamond.
Jackson Lubor, OF, Carmel Catholic, 2017
5-foot-10, 150-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. Defensively has a long arm action from a ¾ slot. Accurate throws with carry throwing 82 mph from the outfield. Plays thru the ball with a clean exchange and average hands. At the plate hits from a balanced setup with a leg kick stride. Long, uphill swing path. 81 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.43 runner down the line.
Nick Nelson, OF, Jones College Prep, 2018
6-foot, 150-pound right-handed hitting outfielder with a lanky frame. Defensively has a loose arm action from a high ¾ slot. Throws showed carry throwing 79 mph from the outfield. Plays thru the ball with fluid footwork and a clean exchange. Efficient routes in the outfield. Offensively hits from a tall, balanced setup with a short load and stride. Spray hitter with looseness in the hands. 70 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.47 runner down the line.
Michael Picollo, RHP/OF, Blue Valley North (KS), 2018
6-foot-1, 145-pound right-handed hitting RHP/OF with a lanky, projectable frame. On the mound works from a high ¾ arm angle with a long, loose arm action. Tall and fall, online delivery with easy effort. Smooth rhythm with good balance, repeats well. Fastball sat 79-80 mph. Curveball has 11-5 shape at 64-66 mph. Changeup sat 72 mph. Defensively has a long, loose arm action from a high ¾ slot. Plays thru the ball with average hands. Threw 73 mph from the outfield. At the plate hits from a balanced setup with a short stride and good balance. Line drive hitter with a level swing path. 78 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.86 runner down the line.
Austin Robbs, OF, Williamsville, 2017
6-foot, 140-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. Offensively hits from a balanced setup with a short leg lift stride. Long, uphill swing path. 77 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.65 runner down the line. Defensively has a short arm action from a ¾ slot. Slow exchange with uphill throws. Threw 69 mph from the outfield.
Sean Robinson, OF, Lincoln-Way East, 2017
5-foot-9, 153-pound left-handed hitting outfielder. Defensively has a long arm action from an over the top slot. Throws were accurate and flashed carry at 81 mph from the outfield. Plays thru the ball with fluid footwork and a clean exchange. At the plate hits from a balanced, slightly crouched setup. Short heel lift stride with good balance. Gap to gap hitter with an uphill path. Showed strength thru contact with 83 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.40 runner down the line.
Brett Selke, OF, Brother Rice, 2018
6-foot-1, 160-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. At the plate hits from a crouched, open stance with a short stride. Gap to gap hitter with a short, uphill swing path. 82 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.53 runner down the line. Defensively has a short arm action from an over the top slot. Plays thru the ball with average hands. Threw 73 mph from the outfield.
Ben Sodikoff, OF/SS, Deerfield, 2018
5-foot-9, 130-pound right-handed hitting OF/SS. At the plate hits from an open stance with a long stride. Line driver hitter with a level swing path. 77 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.62 runner down the line. Defensively in the outfield has a loose arm action from a ¾ arm slot. Threw 77 mph from the outfield. In the infield showed a quick release throwing 73 mph across the diamond.
Jimmy Shea, OF/1B, Bishop Dwenger (IN), 2017
6-foot-4, 190-pound right-handed hitting OF/1B with a strong frame. At the plate hits from a balanced, spread out setup with a short leg lift stride. Gap to gap hitter with a short, uphill swing path. Showed strength thru contact with 85 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.36 runner down the line. In the outfield has a long, stiff arm action from an over the top slot. Plays thru the ball with slower actions. Threw 71 mph from the outfield. Took drills at first base throwing 71 mph across the infield.
Sam Treffert, LHP/OF, Pius XI (WI), 2018
6-foot, 170-pound left-handed hitting LHP/OF. On the mound works from a high ¾ arm angle with a short arm action. Drop and drive, crossfire delivery with a closed landing. Fastball showed cutting action at 74-76 topping out at 77 mph. Changeup sat 71-72 mph. Defensively has a long arm action from a high 3.4 slot. Plays thru the ball with a clean exchange and fluid footwork. Threw 78 mph from the outfield. At the plate hits from an open stance with a toe tap stride. Opposite field hitter with an uphill swing path. 75 mph exit velocity from a tee. 4.62 runner down the line.
Matthew Zbiegien, OF, Cedarburg (WI), 2017
5-foot-9, 160-pound right-handed hitting outfielder. At the plate hits from a balanced setup with a short stride. Opposite field hitter with a level swing path. 78 mph exit velocity from a tee. 5.33 runner down the line. Defensively has a long arm action. Threw 67 mph from the outfield.