Prep Baseball Report

Statistical Analysis: Team Elite Scout Day

Brandon Hall
Executive Director of Scouting, PBR NC

Prep Baseball Report was at Heritage HS in Wake Forest, NC to host the PBR Scout Day with Team Elite.  Forty-two players ran through the workout.  Position players ran a laser timed 60, followed by an offensive and defensive evaluation.  Pitchers threw controlled bullpens.

PBR scouts were on hand to collect and verify stats as well as capture video on each player.  In the coming week we will dive into the players and numbers posted at the PBR Scout Day.  Today we open up the look into the Team Elite Scout Day with the statistics posted at Heritage HS.

CLICK HERE to see the full roster from the day, along with stats and news from the Team Elite Scout Day.

By The Numbers:

  • 42 total players took part in the scout day
  • 35 players ran the laser timed 60 with a 7.43 median 60 time
  • 36 players went through the offensive workout
  • 84 mph was the median exit velocity off a tee in the offensive testing
  • 14 players posted an exit velocity of 86 mph or higher with 5 above 90 mph
  • 4 Catchers posted an arm velocity of 75 mph or better out of the crouch
  • 6 Catchers flashed at least 1 pop time under 2.10
  • 7 arms worked at 80 mph or better in their bullpens


Team Elite Stats



Players ran a laser timed 60 yard dash at the outset of the day.  The 60 was run on the grass surface.  The surface played true throughout the course of the 60 yards.  The median run time for the event came in at 7.43.



Hitters worked through offensive testing including an exit velocity station.  The exit velocity station recorded a static exit velocity with hitters working off of a tee and a radar gun giving feedback.  Below are the top exit velocities from the workout.



Infielders were able to workout at shorstop throwing across the infield, or from 1B throwing 3B in the pro-style workout.  Coaches are working to evaluate rhythm, footwork, hands, exchanges, arm action, accuracy, and carry.  To measure arm strength PBR Scouts utilize a radar gun.  Below are the top posted positional velocities from the day.



Outfielders worked out from right field, making throws to the plate.  Throws were measured by a radar gun to gauge arm strength.  Scouts are also working to see exchange, arm path, carry, and accuracy.



In the pro-style workout, catchers workout from behind home plate, making multiple throws to 2B, simulating a stolen base attempt.  Scouts again are looking for a quick, clean transition to the release as well as carry and accuracy on the throw.  For catchers, evaluators will put a stopwatch on the “pop time” or the time the ball hits their glove to the time the ball hits the MIF’s glove at 2B.  Coaches can also time the transition from when the ball hits the catchers glove to when he is able to release his throw.  PBR scouts add the radar gun to put a number on the arm strength out of the crouched position.



Pitchers threw in controlled scrimmage fashion, facing live hitters.  Each arm threw 15-20 pitches, showcasing their complete arsenal.  Velocity and spin rate infomration was gathered off of the Stalker Pro SII.  Below are the top fastballs from the Scout Day.