Unsigned Senior Showcase: Pitchers
November 27, 2019
FRANKLIN, T.X.- On October 27th, our PBR boot-on-the-ground staff held the Unsigned Senior Showcase at Franklin Ranch. This showcase featured 41 uncommitted prospects from every corner of the state. Today is a look at an in-depth analysis with scouting reports of all the pitchers that were on display. Previous released analysis from the Unsigned Senior Showcase can be found by clicking the following desired positions. Infielders. Outfielders & Catchers.
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David Eubanks, Klein Collins, 2020
5-foot-11, 155-pounds, had a short little stab in the arm path and throws with effort in the delivery, ran his fastball up to 80 on the day. Showed feel for the off speed pitches, both the CH and the CB. The changeup came in at 74 mph with some arm side fade, curveball came in at 69 mph.
Jaden Lopez, Palmer, 2020
6-foot, 165-pounds, hides the ball well with a coil in his delivery, and throws with a loose whippy arm. Ran the fastball up to 85 mph, the action played true. Paired the fastball with a changeup with solid arm speed at 77 mph as well as a slider with depth at 74 mph.
Antonio Pastrana, John Cooper, 2020
5-foot-9, 185-pounds, throws with a short slightly stiff, arm path out of the glove, throwing his fastball 79-80 mph on the day. The breaking ball had more slurve shape and came in at 65 mph, slightly popped up out of the hand. Pastrana showed solid feel for a changeup at 71 mph with arm side action and threw strikes with it.
Nicolas Romero, Akins, 2020
5-foot-11, 178-pounds, On the mound throws from a low ¾ arm slot, slightly stabs and has a delay in his arm path but overall showed the ability to repeat the delivery and throw strikes with all 3 pitches. Fastball came in at 80-82 with some arm side run, and paired that with a slider that came in at 74 mph with tight spin. Also mixed in a changeup at 75 mph with solid arm speed.
Conner Syzdek, Cornerstone Christian, 2020
6-foot, 175-pounds, throws from a ¾ arm slot with a short arm path and hides the ball well. On the day Syzdek topped his fastball out at 81 with lots of arm side run and sink consistently. He was able to pair the heavy sink on the fastball with a tight slider that was a little more side to side at 73 mph.
James Leland, Grapevine Faith Christian, 2020
6-foot, 185-pounds, takes the ball out of the glove and has a long arm path and throws from a ¾ slot, has a different front side in his delivery that creates some deception. Fastball came in at 78 mph and played true. He paired the fastball with a breaking ball at 67 mph.
Dylan Schafer, Steele, 2020
6-foot-1, 170-pounds, throws from an aver the top arm slot with a short arm path and overall feel for the zone. Fastball came in at 81-82 mph and paired that with a curveball at 67 mph that pops up out of the hand.
Ryan Messick, Jesuit College Prep, 2020
6-foot-1, 180-pounds, has a quick tempo to his delivery that works well with his quick short arm path. Really uses his legs well throughout the delivery as well. Fastball comes in at 85-86 mph with some arm side run when it was down. Was able to show the ability to throw a breaking ball at 74 mph with some depth and a changeup at 77 mph.
Zachary Freshcorn, Waller, 2020
6-foot-2, 175-pounds, throws from a ¾ slot, kind of throws his long limbs at you in his delivery creating some deception. Freshcorn ran his fastball up to 82 on the day and paired with with a breaking ball with sweeping action at 66 mph. Also flashed a changeup at 76 mph.
Trent Cook, Needville, 2020
6-foot-2, 200-pounds, sturdy frame with a short loose arm path showing the ability to control the strike zone with multiple pitches. Cook threw his fastball at 84-86 mph that played true and paired it with a curveball that had tight spin and depth to it. Showed really good feel for the breaking ball and the spin was right.
Zachary Brewer, Tompkins, 2020
6-foot-2, 220-pounds, short arm path with an over the top arm action, hides the ball well thru delivery and has an aggressive finish to his delivery. Fastball came in at 84-85 mph and paired that with a breaking ball with slurve type shape that came in at 69 mph.
Logan Shead, Anderson-Shiro, 2020
6-foot-3, 165-pounds, wiry loose build, throws from a high ¾ slot and showed the ability to repeat his delivery throughout the day. Fastball topped out at 79 mph on the day and played true. Mixed in both a curveball at 65 mph that pops up out of the hand, as well as a changeup that had good arm speed at 68 mph.
Jacek Karczewski, Nacogdoches, 2020
6-foot-3, 170-pounds, long and lanky athletic frame. Throws with a long arm path and cuts finish off some with the arm, throws form an over the top arm action with good rhythm within the delivery. Fastball came in at 82-84 mph, and paired with a curveball at 71 mph and a changeup at 78 mph.
Johnathan Isbell, Klein Collins, 2020
6-foot-3, 185-pounds, throws from a true submarine arm slot and was able to show solid feel for the strike zone. Fastball came in at 68 mph with some arm side action and coupled that with a sweeping slider that had lots of side to side action at 60 mph. Also showed the ability to mix in a changeup with good arm speed at 60 mph as well.
Karson Goldman, Buna, 2020
6-foot-2, 175-pounds, has a high front side with his glove creating some deception within the delivery, throws from an over the top arm slot that pairs well with his glove side. His fastball on the day topped out at 79 mph. Also mixed in a curveball at 66 mph with some depth as well as a changeup at 71 mph.
Blake Russell, Sterling, 2020
6-foot-3, 230-pounds, threw his fastball at 78-80 mph on the day with some arm side action and sink when it was down in zone. Mixed in a breaking ball that had loose spin and rolled into the zone at 69 mph. Also flashed a knuckleball at 74 mph that had some life to it.
Grant Remy, Fort Bend Austin, 2020
6-foot-6, 175-pounds, slightly stabs his arm in the delivery, hides the ball well and creates a tough look at him. Fastball came in 79-80 mph. Remy paired his fastball with a changeup at 73 mph as well as a curveball at 68 mph that popped up out of the hand.
Zach Ryan, Friendswood, 2020
6-foot, 180-pounds, was the best arm of the day at the event. Has an athletic tempo to the delivery, slightly hides the ball and the arm path works well. Fastball came in at 88-90 mph with some late life at the top of the zone, paired it well with a curveball at 72 mph with tight spin and depth to it at the end. Also was able to flash a changeup at 80 mph with good arm speed. Ryan showed the ability to throw multiple pitches for strikes and has plenty of room to grow still as a pitcher.
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