Positional Profile: OF Body: 5-foot-9, 180-pounds. Thickness and strength in frame. Hit: RHH. Balanced setup, minimal load and short stride. Long bat path, line-drive approach and fluid rhythm. Power: 69 mph exit velocity from the tee. Arm: RH. OF - 69 mph. Short arm action, 3/4 slot and accurate arm. Defense: Reliable hands and clean transfer. Run: 5.22 runner home-to-first.
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Positional Profile: OF
Body: 5-foot-9, 180-pounds. Thickness and strength in frame.
Hit: RHH. Balanced setup, minimal load and short stride. Long bat path, line-drive approach and fluid rhythm.
Power: 69 mph exit velocity from the tee.
Arm: RH. OF - 69 mph. Short arm action, 3/4 slot and accurate arm.
Defense: Reliable hands and clean transfer.
Run: 5.22 runner home-to-first.