Prep Baseball Report




Wabash College
Jay County (HS) • IN
6' 2" • 173LBS
R/R • 26yr 11mo


2016 National

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2016 State

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8/23/15: 6-foot-4, 207-pound tall, projectable frame. Right-handed hitter that starts open and uses a high leg kick to get back to even. Swing gets in and out of the zone with 82 mph exit velocity and was 5.47 home to first. From the outfield he takes aggressive route with a good run thru. Throws from a low 3/4 slot with 64 mph arm strength. On the mound he has a slow tempo delivery that speeds up at the end with good direction and a little head jerk. Throws from a short, high-3/4 slot with fastball sitting 74-76 mph with some arm side run. Spins a 11/5 breaking ball at 63-67 mph and showcased a changeup with good arm speed at 69 mph with fade. 
8/2/156-foot-4, 207-pound tall athletic build. In the outfield he uses average footwork to approach the baseball and could generate momentum into his throws on his run throughs. Throws from a low-¾ arm slot with 65 mph arm strength from the outfield. At the plate he uses a balanced stance with a big leg kick load. Even swing plane through the zone while registering a top exit velocity of 75 mph. Ran a 5.47 from home to first. On the mound the right-handed pitcher uses some rhythm in his delivery that requires regular effort. Throws from a high-¾ arm slot with average arm speed. Three pitch mix with the fastball sitting 74-77 mph. Curveball has gradual 12/6 break with near fastball arm speed at 65-67 mph. Slows down his arm speed while throwing the changeup at 61 mph. 

 6-foot-2, 173 pound sophomore possesses a projectable frame.  Across the diamond was 71 mph.  Fields the ball to the side of his body at 1B.  Runs an 8.00 60.  Offensively uses a toe tap and loads back.  Keeps hands close to body.  Average hand speed.  Posted an exit velo of 80 mph.  

2/23/13: 6-foot-1, 160 pound freshman was 62 mph across the diamond.  At the plate uses a balanced setup and drops his hands during his load.  Rotates out.

Good frame for a 2016. Long legs. Works uptempo with good rhythm. Low leg kick combined with a high ¾ arm and works across his body. Jacks shows average arm quickness for his age. Strength will add velocity quickly. Currently, Jacks is 70-73. Breaking ball is still inconsistent but at times was sharp. 

Knuckleball: 63-65

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