2/21/16 - Fritz is a 6-foot-6 205-pound left-handed hitting first baseman in Kansas’ 2017 class from Shawnee Mission East HS. He ran a 4.51 home to first and has an exit velo of 91 mph. At the plate, starts in a balanced position, slightly open, short in-line stride, level path through hitting zone, quick hands, swing creates line drives to the middle and pull side of cage. On the infield, three quarters release, 67 mph positional velo, showed the ability to start double plays, attacks ball with fluid footwork and clean exchange.
Dodge City CC
Shawnee Mission East (HS) • KS
6' 6" • 205LBS
L/R • 25yr 11mo
Shawnee Mission East (HS) • KS
6' 6" • 205LBS
L/R • 25yr 11mo
2017 National
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2017 State
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- 6A and 5A Kansas All-State Baseball Selections - May 29, 2017
- 2017 Team Preview: Shawnee Mission East Lancers - Feb 24, 2017
- The Hotlist: What To Watch For In 2017 - Jan 4, 2017
- Kansas Insider: 2017 Left-Handed Hitters - Oct 11, 2016
- Pre Season All State: Corner Infielder's Analysis - Apr 6, 2016
- Preseason All-State: Instant Analysis - Feb 22, 2016
- MO-KAN Winter Scout Blog - Feb 2, 2016
- Underclass Prospect Games: Instant Analyiss - Jun 2, 2015
- 6.2.15 Underclass Prospect Games: Schedule and Rosters - May 30, 2015
- 2015 Team Preview: Shawnee Misison East - Feb 23, 2015
6/2/15 - Cameron is a 6'6" 205-pound left hand hitting first baseman and right handed pitcher from Shawnee Mission East. Uses his body to get in front of the ball and good defensive actions, fields the ball cleanly and makes a strong throw across the infield with a top positional velo of 66 mph On the mound has high leg kick and a high 3/4 arm slot with a long arm action, lands square for a max fastball velo of 76 mph and worked 73-75 mph in game action with 11/5 sweeping downer breaking ball that he worked to both side of the plate at 64-66. A long tall presence in the box with long levers and a slight open stance, short stride and load generates some pop with a 88 mph exit velo.
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