The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Home to First
The athlete's fastest home-to-first time in the given event year. Measured from bat-on-ball to foot-on-bag, in seconds (s).
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Home to First
The athlete's fastest home-to-first time in the given event year. Measured from bat-on-ball to foot-on-bag, in seconds (s).
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
The athlete's fastest 0-10-yard split time in the given event year. Measured in seconds.
30 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 0-30-yard split time in the given event year. Measured in seconds.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 0-60-yard time in the given event year. Measured in seconds.
Top Speed (MPH)
The athlete's fastest split time converted to miles per hour.
The reactive strength index measurement of an athlete's explosiveness by comparing their jump height to the ground contact time in between their jumps. On a scale of 0-5.
Vertical Jump
A measure of any athlete's body strength and reach calculated from the flight time divided by the contact time.
10 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 0-10-yard split time in the given event year. Measured in seconds.
30 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 0-30-yard split time in the given event year. Measured in seconds.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 0-60-yard time in the given event year. Measured in seconds.
Top Speed (MPH)
The athlete's fastest split time converted to miles per hour.
The highest Edge Score within the given year. Edge Score is a comprehensive score that takes the core-six visual skills into account, providing an assessment of an athlete’s overall visual ability.
Edge Score
The highest Edge Score within the given year. Edge Score is a comprehensive score that takes the core-six visual skills into account, providing an assessment of an athlete’s overall visual ability.
Edge Score
The highest Edge Score within the given year. Edge Score is a comprehensive score that takes the core-six visual skills into account, providing an assessment of an athlete’s overall visual ability.
Positional Profile: SS/RHP Body: 5-11, 165-pounds. Athletic build with room for added strength and size in the future. Delivery: Works from a wider base with short and simple footwork around the rubber. Works to a mid height balance point with quick pace and tempo to the delivery. Short sink and push off the rubber. Works from the middle of the rubber and strides directionally down the center of the mound into a firm plant leg. Creates strong momentum headed towards the plate. Arm Action: RH. High 3/4 arm slot with a short and clean arm action. FB: T80.3, 76-80 mph. Short arm side running action with command to the arm side. Works the ball down in the zone well. T1979, 1804 average rpm. CB: 66-66 mph. Short shape with loose and developing spin. T1502, 1483 average rpm. CH: 62-63 mph. Heavy arm side fading action with fastball hand speed. T1614, 1554 average rpm.
Positional Profile: SS/RHP Body: 5-11, 165-pounds. Athletic build with room for added strength and size in the future. Hits: SH. RHH. Starts with neutral stance and athletic posture. Hands get set at shoulder height with a flat barrel angle. LHH. Starts with a neutral stance and wider base. Hands get set above shoulder height with a flat barrel angle. RHH. Slow loads the weight into the lower half with a short leg lift. Lower half drives linearly through the zone into a firm front leg. Short and compact stroke with the hands. Strong top hand finish. Showed the ability to drive the ball the other way. LHH. Slow loads the weight into the lower half with strong balance. Shows much more barrel control from the left side. Line drive approach working gap to gap. Shows some strength at contact. Power: 90 max exit velocity, averaged 78.3 MPH. 317' max distance. Arm: RH. INF-75 mph.3/4 arm slot with a loose and clean arm action. Defense: Attacks the ball with feel for routes working around the ball and active feet. Plays underneath the ball well with soft hands and strong glove action. Shows the ability to field the ball on the move with strong lateral range and shows strong slow roller technique. Run: 7.34 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: MIF
Body: 5-foot-11, 165-pounds. Athletic and projectable build with room for added strength and size in the future.
Hit: Switch. Starts with a slightly open stance and athletic posture. Strong weight stack into the back leg with lower half working linearly through the zone into a slightly bent front leg. Strong rotation around the core with hands working quickly through the zone. Level bat path and a line drive approach. Maintains balance well throughout the swing. Swing mechanics and similar on both sides and shows true switch hitting potential.
Defense: In the infield attacks the ball with active feet and feel for routes working around the ball. Fields the ball out in front of the body and underneath the ball well with a feel for glove action and soft hands. Fields the ball on the move well and shows clean exchanges registering 75 mph across the diamond.
Run: 4.84 runner home to first.
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‘26 SS Cooper Kardokus (OK) producing some loud contact from the left side early. Will turn around to the right side later as well. #PBRJFG22 ||
Grip strength is a measure of a players bat control and ability to transfer power and speed during impact, measured in pounds of force generated; collected with elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Grip Strgth (RH)
Grip strength is a measure of a players bat control and ability to transfer power and speed during impact, measured in pounds of force generated; collected with elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Grip Strgth (LH)
Grip strength is a measure of a players bat control and ability to transfer power and speed during impact, measured in pounds of force generated; collected with elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Grip Strgth (RH)
Grip strength is a measure of a players bat control and ability to transfer power and speed during impact, measured in pounds of force generated; collected with elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Positional Profile: SS/RHP
Body: 5-11, 165-pounds. Athletic build with room for added strength and size in the future.
Delivery: Works from a wider base with short and simple footwork around the rubber. Works to a mid height balance point with quick pace and tempo to the delivery. Short sink and push off the rubber. Works from the middle of the rubber and strides directionally down the center of the mound into a firm plant leg. Creates strong momentum headed towards the plate.
Arm Action: RH. High 3/4 arm slot with a short and clean arm action.
FB: T80.3, 76-80 mph. Short arm side running action with command to the arm side. Works the ball down in the zone well. T1979, 1804 average rpm.
CB: 66-66 mph. Short shape with loose and developing spin. T1502, 1483 average rpm.
CH: 62-63 mph. Heavy arm side fading action with fastball hand speed. T1614, 1554 average rpm.
Positional Profile: SS/RHP
Body: 5-11, 165-pounds. Athletic build with room for added strength and size in the future.
Hits: SH. RHH. Starts with neutral stance and athletic posture. Hands get set at shoulder height with a flat barrel angle. LHH. Starts with a neutral stance and wider base. Hands get set above shoulder height with a flat barrel angle. RHH. Slow loads the weight into the lower half with a short leg lift. Lower half drives linearly through the zone into a firm front leg. Short and compact stroke with the hands. Strong top hand finish. Showed the ability to drive the ball the other way. LHH. Slow loads the weight into the lower half with strong balance. Shows much more barrel control from the left side. Line drive approach working gap to gap. Shows some strength at contact.
Power: 90 max exit velocity, averaged 78.3 MPH. 317' max distance.
Arm: RH. INF-75 mph.3/4 arm slot with a loose and clean arm action.
Defense: Attacks the ball with feel for routes working around the ball and active feet. Plays underneath the ball well with soft hands and strong glove action. Shows the ability to field the ball on the move with strong lateral range and shows strong slow roller technique.
Run: 7.34 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: MIF
Body: 5-foot-11, 165-pounds. Athletic and projectable build with room for added strength and size in the future.
Hit: Switch. Starts with a slightly open stance and athletic posture. Strong weight stack into the back leg with lower half working linearly through the zone into a slightly bent front leg. Strong rotation around the core with hands working quickly through the zone. Level bat path and a line drive approach. Maintains balance well throughout the swing. Swing mechanics and similar on both sides and shows true switch hitting potential.
Defense: In the infield attacks the ball with active feet and feel for routes working around the ball. Fields the ball out in front of the body and underneath the ball well with a feel for glove action and soft hands. Fields the ball on the move well and shows clean exchanges registering 75 mph across the diamond.
Run: 4.84 runner home to first.