Prep Baseball Report

Player Spotlight: Brandon Ryan (Olathe South, 2019)

Shon Plack
Kansas Scouting Director

Scouting Report

2/24/18 - Ryan is a 6-foot-1 200-pound left-handed hitting third baseman and right-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class.  He ran a 4.38 home to first and has an 82 mph exit velocity. At the plate, starts slightly open with some pre-pitch rhythm in hands, minimal load, in line stride, has feel for barrel, level bat plane with accelerated hands, consistent middle to pull side line drives during hitting evals.  On the infield, 79 mph positional velocity, over the top arm slot, works behind the ball, keeps momentum through the catch with one shuffle and release, smooth glove to hand transfer on time with footwork, accurate thrower, throws have carry. On the mound, Ryan comes from a over the top arm slot, raises knee to hip with slight rotation, simple and compact delivery, works slightly across body, hides ball until release, arm works, throws with regular effort, fastball at 80-82 mph, throws on a downhill plane, curveball at 66-69 mph, 12-to-6 shape, straight change up at 70-72 mph, throws with fastball arm speed, showed command of all pitches with high percentage of strikes.

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