Mac N Seitz Black Sox Scout Day: 2019-2018 Pitchers
April 8, 2018
Prep Baseball Report - Missouri/Kansas held the Mac N Seitz Black Sox Scout Day on Saturday, February 24 in Kansas City, Missouri. Over seventy players in the 2021 to 2018 classes participated.
Players can now updated their profiles with a ProspectPlus subscription, while scouts and recruiters can add players on the ScoutPlus dashboard. Player profiles have been updated with profile picture, running times, velocities, and videos. Today will take a closer look at the middle infielders from the event. Players are listed in alphabetical order below.
This group of pitchers had one pitcher in the 2018 class and twenty-one pitchers in the 2019 class. Four pitchers were left-handed and four pitchers were 85 mph or better. Here is a look at the 2019-2018 pitchers from the Mac N Seitz Scout Day.
2018-2019 Pitchers
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Kody Burch SS / 3B / Belton, MO / 2019Burch is a 5-foot-11 175-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Burch comes from and over the top arm slot, simple and repeatable, smooth and accelerated down the mound, stay in line, throws with regular effort, fastball at 75-78 mph, breaking ball 60-62 mph, gradual 11-to-5 action, change up at 69-70 mph, occasional sink, throws with fastball arm speed, showed command of three pitches, throws all for strikes. |
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Coulton Doyle C / SS / Hickman, MO / 2019Doyle is a 5-foot-11 175-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Doyle has a slight tuck at balance point, short and compact over the top arm slot, creates in line direction down the mound, hands remain high throughout delivery until separation, throws with regular effort, fastball at 79-81 mph, breaking ball 64-67 mph, gradual 12-to-5 action, 69-70 mph change up, throws with near fastball arm speed. |
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Zach Gwynne RHP / 3B / Raymore-Peculiar, MO / 2019Gwynee is a 6-foot-3 230-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Gwynee throws with regular effort, slight hip rotation at balance point, has a slight stab and in line stride, over the top release, fastball at 80-82 mph, breaking ball at 69-72 mph, late 11-to-5 action, 72-74 mph change up, slight sink, throws with near fastball arm speed. |
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Easton Hungerford OF / LHP / Olathe East, KS / 2019Hungerford is a 6-foot-1 175-pound left-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Hunerford comes from a high three quarters arm slot, controlled leg lift, hands remain high, smooth acceleration down the mound, slightly across body, athletic finish, clean arm action, throws with regular effort, fastball at 72-73 mph, breaking ball at 60-64 mph, 1-to-7 shape, 67-69 mph change up, some arm side run. |
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David Kephart RHP / 3B / Blue Valley Northwest, KS / 2019Kephart is a 6-foot-5 210-pound right-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Kephart has a quick tempo, slight tuck at balance point, over the top release, in line direction towards the plat, high three quarters arms lot, works on a downhill plane with fastball, 83-86 mph, works to the bottom of the zone for a strike, breaking ball at 72-74 mph, late 11-to-5 shape, change up at 74-76 mph, stays at bottom of the zone with slight sink, fastball arm speed. |
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Alexander Khan RHP / 1B / Truman , MO / 2019Khan is a 6-foot-3 200-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Khan has a slight raise in hands with leg lift to balance point, works over his head with hands in wind up, picks up speed as he stays in line down the mound, finishes in athletic position, high three quarters arm slot, quick arm speed, throws with some effort at release point, fastball at 82-84 mph, breaking ball at 69-72 mph, changes plans with 11-to-5 shape and some depth, change up at 77-79 mph, throws with near fastball arm speed, occasional arm side run. |
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Brandon Klebenstone SS / RHP / Liberty North, MO / 2019Klebenstone is a 5-foot-10 160-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Klebenstone has a smooth and accurate rhythm, high three quarters arm slot, rotates at top of balance points, stays in line down the mound, 70-72 mph fastball, 56-60 breaking ball, gradual 12-to- 6 shape, 66-67 change up, throws with near fastball arm speed. |
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Peyton Leeper SS / 3B / South Callaway , MO / 2019Leeper strong is a 5-foot-11 180-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Leeper has a simple leg lift to hip, in line stride, quick and loose arm action, repeats well, command of three pitches, repeatable and athletic delivery, over the top arm slot, fastball at 83-85 mph, breaking ball at 73-75 mph, sharp and late 11-to-5 shape, throws on same plane as fastball, change up at 74-77 mph, maintains arm speed well, slight arm side sink. |
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Jay Long LHP / OF / Blue Valley, KS / 2019Long is a 6-foot-2 190-pound left-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Long throws with some effort, over the top arm slot, loose and clean arm action, throws strikes and showed command of all pitches, repeats well, stays in line down the mound, quick tempo, fastball at 81-82 mph, some arm side release, breaking ball has 12-to-6 shape, 69-72 mph, change up with near fastball arm speed, some sink, 77-79 mph, changes speeds well with pitches, hides ball well adding to deception. |
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Tyler McQuinn RHP / OF / Blue Valley Northwest, KS / 2019McQuinn is a 5-foot-6 150-pound right-handed hitting outfielder in Kansas 2019 class. McQuinn has a quick tempo, picks up speed down the mound, high three quarters arms lot, works arm over the head in wind up, controlled finish square to the plate, fastball at 77-81 mph, curveball at 64-68 mph, gradual 12-to-6 shape, some with late action, change up at 72-74 mph, slight arm side run, throws with fastball arm speed. |
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Brayden Mooers LHP / OF / Blue Valley , KS / 2019Mooers is a lean and loose 5-foot-10 135-pound left-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Mooers has an over the top arm slot, has a long in line take away from glove, smooth rhythm and tempo, repeats delivery, gets down the mound aggressively and stays in line, works to both sides of the plate, fastball works downhill, 76-80 mph, breaking ball at 60-63 mph, 1-to-7 action, some late, change up at 70-73 mph, throws with near fastball arms speed, some with cutting action, will work glove side. |
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Sam Righter RHP / OF / Olathe Northwest, KS / 2019Righter lean and loose is a 6-foot-3 175-pound right-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Righter has a clean and repeatable delivery, body stays under control, high three quarters arm slot, loose and quick arm speed, simple and controlled leg lift to hip, in line stride, accelerates to release, throws with some effort at release, athletic finish in a fielding position, fastball at 79-81 mph, curveball last 71-72 mph, gradual late action, change up at 73-74 mph, slight sinking action, throws with fastball arm speed, build and arm action would suggest continued increases in the future. |
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Matthew Ronnebaum RHP / SS / Blue Valley West, KS / 2019Ronnebaum is a strong and well-built 6-foot-2 190-pound right-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Ronnebaum works over the head with the wind up, high three quarters arm slot, loose arm action, arm works, slight rotation at top of balance pint, works in line down the mound, smooth tempo, repeats mechanics, body stays under control with controlled finish fastball at was consistent at 84-86 mph, throws for a strike to both sides of the plate, touching an 89 mph, 72-73 mph, late 11-to-5 shape, 79-82 mph, throws with fastball arm speed, late sinking action. |
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Brandon Ryan RHP / 3B / Olathe South, KS / 2019Ryan is a 6-foot-1 200-pound right-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Ryan comes from a over the top arm slot, raises knee to hip with slight rotation, simple and compact delivery, works slightly across body, hides ball until release, arm works, throws with regular effort, fastball at 80-82 mph, throws on a downhill plane, curveball at 66-69 mph, 12-to-6 shape, straight change up at 70-72 mph, throws with fastball arm speed, showed command of all pitches with high percentage of strikes. |
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Nelson Schutte RHP / 3B / Kansas City Christian, KS / 2019Schutte is a 5-foot-10 157-pound right-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Schutte has a deliberate leg lift, accelerates in line down the mound, throwing with some effort at release, keep hands high, throws from over the top arm slot, loose and quick arm action, fastball has occasional tilt, 80-82 mph, breaking ball at 66-70 mph, gradual 12-to-6 action, throes for strike, 69-74 mph, throws with fastball arm speed, slight arm side run, throws for a strike, |
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Gunnar Sehon RHP / 2B / St.Thomas Aquinas, KS / 2019Sehon comes from a high three quarters arm slot, repeatable delivery, high percentage of strikes, body stays under control, in line stride, athletic finish in position ready to field, smooth tempo, clean arm action, fastball at 81-83 mph, occasional arm side run, breaking ball 67-60 mph, late 11-to-5 action, some depth, change up has arm side run, 69-71 mph, throws for.a strike with fastball arm speed. |
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Parker Strang 1B / RHP / Raymore Peculiat , MO / 2019Strong is a 6-foot-5 260-pound right-handed pitcher in Missouri’s 2019 class. Strong has a short high three quarters, throws with some effort, aggressive working in line down the mound, short leg lift to hop, hand remain low throughout the delivery, fastball at 79-82 mph, hides ball well, breaking ball at 67-69 mph, gradual 11-to-5 shape, 74-76 mph change up, some with sinking action, consistently squared up catcher with all three pitches. |
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Andrew Sumner RHP / Mill Valley, KS / 2018Sumner is a 5-foot-8 147-pound right-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2018 class. Sumner has a submarine release point, lean frame, starts in a crouched position, minimal leg lift, works slightly across body, fastball at 69-71 mph, arm side sink, 60-65 mph slider, 10-to-4 sweeping action, 66-69 mph change up, fastball arm speed, sinking action, works the bottom of the zone with all pitches, has deception. |
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Tanner Twillman RHP / 2B / Olathe East, KS / 2019Twillman is a 5-foot-11 155-pound right-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Twillman comes from an over the top arm slot, controlled body and smooth rhythm, in line stride with athletic finish, throws with regular effort, fastball at 76-77 mph, breaking ball at 66-68 mph, 12-to-6 action, 69-71 mph change up, throws with fastball arm speed, some with sink. |
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Reece Umbarger LHP / 1B / Blue Valley West, KS / 2019Umbarger long and long is a 6-foot 155-pound left-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Umbarger holds hands high during delivery, long take away from glove with light stab, over the top arm action, controlled and smooth tempo, throws with regular effort, in line down the mound, fastball at 67-70 mph, 61-65 mph breaking ball, gradual 1-to-7 acton, change up at 64-67 mph, occasional slight sinking action late. |
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Kruz Wahwahsuck 3B / RHP / Leavenworth, KS / 2019Wahwahsuck is a 5-foot-10 200-pound right-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Wahwahsuck has a short over the top release, some deception with movement and temp in delivery, raises leg to hop, slight bounce to acceleration down the mound, creates in line direction towards the plate, throws with regular effort, hides ball until release, fastball at 77-73 mph, works mostly arm side, 62-64 mph breaking ball, gradual 12-to-6 action, 71-72 mph change up, some with sink, throws with near fastball arm speed. |
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Parker Wildeman RHP / OF / Seaman , KS / 2019Wildeman is a lean with some length 6-foot-4 170-pound right-handed pitcher in Kansas’ 2019 class. Wildeman has a high three quarters arms lot, in line down the mound, drop and drive type delivery, loose arm action, aggressive down the mound throwing with some effort at release, fastball at 79-82 mph, works downhill, breaking ball at 66-69 mph, 11-to-5 shape, starts on same plane as fastball, some with late and sharp action, change up at 72-76 mph, some sinking action, throws for a strike with near fastball arm speed,
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