The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Home to First
The athlete's fastest home-to-first time in the given event year. Measured from bat-on-ball to foot-on-bag, in seconds (s).
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
A fastball with hop has a flat approach angle and visually jumps through the zone. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher swing and miss average. Hop+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with sink has low backspin and drops through the strike zone. When thrown down in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher ground ball percentage and lower launch angle. Sink+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with rise has a high percentage of backspin. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher fly ball percentage. Rise+ of 100 is MLB average
A hammer breaking ball drops vertically with velocity through the zone, or 12-to-6 movement. Hammer+ of 100 is MLB average.
A sweeping breaking ball moves horizontally with velocity through the zone. Sweep+ of 100 is MLB average.
The highest Edge Score within the given year. Edge Score is a comprehensive score that takes the core-six visual skills into account, providing an assessment of an athlete’s overall visual ability.
Edge Score
The highest Edge Score within the given year. Edge Score is a comprehensive score that takes the core-six visual skills into account, providing an assessment of an athlete’s overall visual ability.
The maximum speed, in the direction of home plate, that the wrist is traveling. Measured in meters per second (m/s)
Arm Slot
Angle of the forearm relative to the ground between maximum external rotation (MER) and ball release (BR). Which can be a powerful player comparison metric, delivered in degrees.
Knee Extension Velo
The angular velocity of the front knee straightening after foot plant, which provides indicators of velocity potential. Measured in degrees per second.
The amount of time that the ball is visible to the hitter, after the instant of front foot strike. Measures in milliseconds.
Hip-Shoulder Separation
The difference in angle of between the hips and shoulders, occurring close to the foot plant. Measured in degrees.
A physical 6-foot-4, 200-pound uncommitted follow that showed well on both sides of the ball at this event: 1B/RHP Spencer Kennamann (Lakes Community, 2024). Kennamann showed natural and inherent bat strength in BP on Tuesday, averaging 90.4 mph per batted ball, while reaching a peak exit velocity of 97 mph on his hardest barrel. His right-handed juice showed in game, as Kennamann turned around an up-and-in 90 mph fastball for a beaming double into the left-center gap on Wednesday morning. Kennamann was also up to 86 mph on the mound with a feel for a curveball/slider mix.
Positional Profile: 1B/RHP Body: 6-4, 200-pounds. Delivery: Stretch-only, simple, high leg lift, tall/fall delivery, lands in-line with home. Arm Action: RH. Full arm circle, 3/4 slot. FB: T86, 82-85 mph. Arm-side run, plays at the bottom of the zone. T2095, 1945 average rpm. CB: 71-75 mph. Go-to out pitch, quality depth with 11/5 shape. T2085, 2053 average rpm. SL: 74-78 mph. Cutting action, lateral shape. T2121, 2042 average rpm. CH: 79-79 mph. Mostly straight, developing pitch. T1954, 1842 average rpm.
Positional Profile: 1B/RHP Body: 6-4, 200-pounds. Hit: RHH. Stock setup, leg lift trigger. Athletic, fluid hands, quick swing with flatter path, easy power off the barrel. Finished game play 2-for-5 with a double and RBI. Power: 97 max exit velocity, averaged 90.4 mph. 331’ max distance. Arm: RH. INF - 82 mph. Medium arm circle, low 3/4 slot. Defense: Sure-handed, fields ball deep into the body. Run: 7.30 runner in the 60.
The 6-foot-4, 185-pound right-hander has projection in his lanky frame, showing plenty of room to add on strength in the coming years. Down the mound, Kennamann moves with a strong front hip, leading down the mound with a drop/drive lower-half and staying directional with the plate throughout. His fastball worked in the 80-83 mph range and set up two different breaking balls - first going to a slurvy slider with 10/4 shape, 71-73 mph. His second breaking ball was a curveball off an 11/5 plane at 62-63 mph.
Positional Profile: RHP/1B Body: 6-4, 175-pounds. High upside frame. Delivery: Side saddle into high leg kick. Coil through front side at balance point. Long leg swing down the mound. Tall and fall type delivery. Falls off to the third base side of the rubber at times. Arm Action: RH. Sling-shot type arm action. High 3/4 arm slot. FB: T84.8, 81.8-84.2 mph. Hard running action through the zone. T1925, 1779 average rpm. SL: 72.9-76.3 mph. 10/4 shape. Sweeping action. Feel for the zone. T2126, 2057 average rpm. CH: 71.7-72.8 mph. Arm-side fade. T1582, 1505 average rpm.
Hit: RHH. Open, athletic base, knee-knocks into a long stride. Strong hands, creates hand separation at foot strike with a slightly uphill path to the ball. Power: 93.1 max exit velocity, averaged 84.5 mph. 262’ max distance. Arm: RH. INF - 80 mph. Loose arm action, high 3/4 arm slot. Defense: Quick, clean exchange on throws to second. Flashed ability to pick the ball out of the dirt. Run: 4.63 runner home-to-first.
Draft Reports
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Grip strength is a measure of a players bat control and ability to transfer power and speed during impact, measured in pounds of force generated; collected with elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Grip Strgth (RH)
Grip strength is a measure of a players bat control and ability to transfer power and speed during impact, measured in pounds of force generated; collected with elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Verbally committed to North Iowa Area CC.
A physical 6-foot-4, 200-pound uncommitted follow that showed well on both sides of the ball at this event: 1B/RHP Spencer Kennamann (Lakes Community, 2024). Kennamann showed natural and inherent bat strength in BP on Tuesday, averaging 90.4 mph per batted ball, while reaching a peak exit velocity of 97 mph on his hardest barrel. His right-handed juice showed in game, as Kennamann turned around an up-and-in 90 mph fastball for a beaming double into the left-center gap on Wednesday morning. Kennamann was also up to 86 mph on the mound with a feel for a curveball/slider mix.
Positional Profile: 1B/RHP
Body: 6-4, 200-pounds.
Delivery: Stretch-only, simple, high leg lift, tall/fall delivery, lands in-line with home.
Arm Action: RH. Full arm circle, 3/4 slot.
FB: T86, 82-85 mph. Arm-side run, plays at the bottom of the zone. T2095, 1945 average rpm.
CB: 71-75 mph. Go-to out pitch, quality depth with 11/5 shape. T2085, 2053 average rpm.
SL: 74-78 mph. Cutting action, lateral shape. T2121, 2042 average rpm.
CH: 79-79 mph. Mostly straight, developing pitch. T1954, 1842 average rpm.
Positional Profile: 1B/RHP
Body: 6-4, 200-pounds.
Hit: RHH. Stock setup, leg lift trigger. Athletic, fluid hands, quick swing with flatter path, easy power off the barrel. Finished game play 2-for-5 with a double and RBI.
Power: 97 max exit velocity, averaged 90.4 mph. 331’ max distance.
Arm: RH. INF - 82 mph. Medium arm circle, low 3/4 slot.
Defense: Sure-handed, fields ball deep into the body.
Run: 7.30 runner in the 60.
The 6-foot-4, 185-pound right-hander has projection in his lanky frame, showing plenty of room to add on strength in the coming years. Down the mound, Kennamann moves with a strong front hip, leading down the mound with a drop/drive lower-half and staying directional with the plate throughout. His fastball worked in the 80-83 mph range and set up two different breaking balls - first going to a slurvy slider with 10/4 shape, 71-73 mph. His second breaking ball was a curveball off an 11/5 plane at 62-63 mph.
Positional Profile: RHP/1B
Body: 6-4, 175-pounds. High upside frame.
Delivery: Side saddle into high leg kick. Coil through front side at balance point. Long leg swing down the mound. Tall and fall type delivery. Falls off to the third base side of the rubber at times.
Arm Action: RH. Sling-shot type arm action. High 3/4 arm slot.
FB: T84.8, 81.8-84.2 mph. Hard running action through the zone. T1925, 1779 average rpm.
SL: 72.9-76.3 mph. 10/4 shape. Sweeping action. Feel for the zone. T2126, 2057 average rpm.
CH: 71.7-72.8 mph. Arm-side fade. T1582, 1505 average rpm.
Hit: RHH. Open, athletic base, knee-knocks into a long stride. Strong hands, creates hand separation at foot strike with a slightly uphill path to the ball.
Power: 93.1 max exit velocity, averaged 84.5 mph. 262’ max distance.
Arm: RH. INF - 80 mph. Loose arm action, high 3/4 arm slot.
Defense: Quick, clean exchange on throws to second. Flashed ability to pick the ball out of the dirt.
Run: 4.63 runner home-to-first.